Boot Camp a wrap for 30

CMI President Dr. Irene Taafaki, center, joined with the National Training Council board and staff to recognize the 30 young people who completed the Boot Camp training program. Photo: Eve Burns.
CMI President Dr. Irene Taafaki, center, joined with the National Training Council board and staff to recognize the 30 young people who completed the Boot Camp training program. Photo: Eve Burns.


After finishing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), popularly known as Summer Boot Camp, 30 students were awarded certificates Wednesday.

The eight-week TVET focuses on automotive, electrical, and welding instruction. The camp is an initiative between the College of the Marshall Islands, the Productivity Center at the National University of Fiji, and the National Training Council.

The SSG Solomon T. Sam Basketball Court served as the location for the award ceremony. Families and friends gathered to take in the celebration.

According to CMI Vice President Elizabeth Switaj, “it’s about access to higher and further quality educational services, and this program is a big part of that because we are providing education that lets you further into a meaningful career.”

In her special remarks, President Irene Taafaki said, “I hope that boot camp has been for you a transforming experience. TVET is preparing you for your careers, each of you that we will be congratulating individually is career bound.

National Training Council Director Julius Lucky thanked everyone who was involved in the training and said in his remarks that upon entering NTC he was told and according on the studies provided, there were many youth who were unemployed and had no opportunity because there were no programs or maybe there were some but not enough.

He congratulated the participants for taking the opportunity. “I believe what you learned is a lot, although the time was short, but you learned a lot,” said Julius.


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