Capital building to be demolished

The long-unused Marshall Islands capital building has been an eyesore in Majuro for many years. It is now slated for demolition. Photo: Kelly Lorennij.

After years of sitting dormant, largely unused and deteriorating, the former RMI capital building is slated for demolition to make way for construction of a new capital building.

Cabinet issued an instruction to the Ministry of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities to move the plan forward by engaging Pacific International Inc. to perform the demolition work.

“We have issued a request to quote to PII containing scope of works as reference for their submission of proposal,” said WIU’s Project Management Unit. “Once we receive the proposal, that’s the time we will be able to know the ‘date’ of demolition of the building. 

The government of Taiwan is funding both the demolition of the old capital building and a new capital building.


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