
Capital building to be demolished

Capital building to be demolished

After years of sitting dormant, largely unused and deteriorating, the former RMI capital building is slated for demolition to make way for construction of a new capital building. Cabinet issued an instruction to the Ministry of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities to move the plan forward by engaging Pacific International Inc. to perform the demolition work. […]

Heine visits Taiwan

Heine visits Taiwan

President Hilda C. Heine arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport last week Saturday night to be welcomed by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. President Heine expressed her delight at returning to Taiwan and congratulated to Minister Wu on his forthcoming appointment as the next Taiwan National Security Adviser, acknowledging his unwavering support to the Marshall Islands […]

Taiwan helps wave victims

Taiwan helps wave victims

Taiwan Ambassador Steve CC Hsia donated $40,000 to the government of the Marshall Islands last week for aid to Arno and Ailinglaplap atolls that were hit by strong waves last month. Hsia said the contribution is to be divided equally between the two atolls to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the two atolls affected by […]

FSM elects President Simina

FSM elects President Simina

Wesley Simina of Chuuk State is the new president of the Federated States of Micronesia. He was elected by the FSM Congress at its first meeting last week following the national election in March. Joining him in the executive branch is Vice President Aren Palik of Kosrae, who continues on from a term started two […]

Covid team reviews response

Covid team reviews response

Minister of Health and Human Services Joe Bejang officially launched the Covid-19 After Action Review (AAR) forum Wednesday morning at the International Conference Center (ICC). The three-day review will cover actions taken prior, during and throughout the pandemic since RMI declared State of Health Emergency on Covid pandemic. “It is my honor, on behalf of […]

Taiwan to launch climate fund

Taiwan to launch climate fund

President David Kabua and a delegation left the Marshall Islands Monday afternoon on a Taiwan government-chartered flight to Taipei to launch a five-day state visit. The state visit, at the invitation of the Taiwan government, will run through March 25. This is the President’s first state visit to Taiwan since taking office in 2020. Accompanied […]

Farmers are newly mobile

Farmers are newly mobile

Laura farmers received gifts from Taiwan that will always be remembered. A total of 90 bicycles were given to Laura Farmers Association, Taiwan Technical Farm and Marshall Islands Organic Farmers Association. The bikes were donated by Taiwan and distributed by Natural Resources and Commerce, supervised by NRC staff Risa Kabua and Randon Jack. Laura resident […]

Ventilators arrive, more Covid-19 supplies on the way

Ventilators arrive, more Covid-19 supplies on the way

Ten new ventilators for Majuro and Ebeye hospitals arrived earlier this week, and a big load of Covid-19 health supplies are expected to be delivered Thursday afternoon this week. These are part of the Ministry of Health and Human Services push over the past two months to obtain supplies and equipment needed for dealing with […]

ROC unveils Laura hydroponic option

ROC unveils Laura hydroponic option

EVE BURNS Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) located at Laura celebrated the “Enhancing Livelihood through Smart Agriculture” project last Saturday. A new hydroponic system was officially kicked off January 18 by visiting Republic of China (Taiwan) Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Hsu Szu-chien with Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Sandy Alfred. Hydroponics is a method of […]

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