Ten new ventilators for Majuro and Ebeye hospitals arrived earlier this week, and a big load of Covid-19 health supplies are expected to be delivered Thursday afternoon this week.
These are part of the Ministry of Health and Human Services push over the past two months to obtain supplies and equipment needed for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. To date, there have been no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in RMI.
The 10 ventilators have been purchased from a Taiwan vendor and will add to the three existing ventilators in Majuro and two at Ebeye.
Hundreds of Covid-19 test kits and testing devices are expected to arrive in the next two weeks for RMI and other US-affiliated islands funded by the US government, according to Pacific Islands Health Officers Association Director Emi Chutaro, who is coordinating the order.
This week Thursday, 42 pallets of supplies from the World Health Organization are scheduled to arrive Majuro, while a smaller shipment of personal protective equipment and other supplies are expected to follow shortly from the US government, according to health authorities in Majuro.
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