Census near completion

Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office Director Frederick deBrum is overseeing the 2021 national census. Photo: Ronald Jorthan.

The RMI national census is nearing completion, with most of two urban centers and outer islands completed.

The census was launched August 23 and is now nearing the two-month mark.
Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office Director Frederick deBrum said this week that census enumerators are now working to connect with households that were missed during the initial survey work because people were at work or otherwise out of their homes.
The majority of outer islands have also been completed with Lib, Namo, Ailinglaplap, and Jabat in progress or soon to be conducted.

Because the census takers are using electronic tablets to record the information for each survey, these are transmitted back to the EPPSO office as well as the SPC in Noumea each day as they are finished. This allows the office staff in both locations to vet each census questionnaire in “real time” and to spot any incomplete sections or issues to be fixed, said deBrum.

While the actual census taking will likely wrap up in the next couple of weeks, it will take a few months for the data to be reviewed and analyzed, he said. The staff at the SPC, who work with all the islands in the region on surveys, are assisting the RMI in the conduct of the national census.


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