Christmas lights spark big turnout

Hundreds of people who descended on the track and field in Jenrok last week for the annual Christmas tree lighting enjoyed posing for photos are the various lighted displays throughout the track area. Photo: Wilmer Joel.

For the first time, the annual Christmas lighting hosted by Mejerik Club was at the Jeṇrōk track and field last week.

Multitudes of onlookers flooded the area eager to witness the illumination of the Christmas lights. Christmas carols were sung by Majuro Baptist Christian Academy and Marshall Islands High School.

Midway the program, rain came pouring out from the heavens. Spectators ran for cover. As soon as the rain let up, President Hilda Heine gave the signal for the lights to turn on. Cheers accompanied with “oohs” and “aahs” filled the air as the crowd responded with affirmation.

Free goodies were distributed from various booths and vendors.

Master and mistress of ceremonies were Power103.5 DJ Yastamon and Ministry of Health Secretary Francyne Wase-Jacklick. Dr. Dave and Neilani Ackley were Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.


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