Journal 8/20/1982
P1 MIFCB to reopen Monday The Marshall Islands First Commercial Bank is due to reopen on August 23, according to Manager Jeffery Yieh. The bank was closed for over a week due to a run on the bank and delays in cash transfers.
P1 Nitijela passes plebiscite resolution Mili Senator Chuji Chutaro at Nitijela’s August 19 meeting finally was allowed to speak on Resolution 10 (about the Marshalls holding its own plebiscite). However, he was barely midway through his speech arguing that other choices like commonwealth should be on the ballots of the plebiscite when Nitijela Speaker Atlan Anien cut him off. To be more exact, Anien shouted “out of order” as Chutaro was still talking. Chutaro disobeyed Anien’s order and went on for a minute or so until Speaker Anien called for a recess. The incident continued from yesterday when Chutaro asked to be recognized but the Speaker wouldn’t do it saying that he, Anien, was trying to protect the Constitution of the Marshall Islands. Anien argued that Free Association has been the choice the Marshallese people, through Nitijela, chose two years ago when the present government was formed. Later, Chutaro argued that if democratic principles are really well and alive in the Marshalls, then the government should give the right for everyone — rich and poor people — to participate in the government’s affairs.
Journal 8/26/1994
P3 Two Marshallese receive FAA certificates Stanley Myazoe and Elmer Langbata are the first Micronesians ever to receive their Federal Aviation Administration certificates. Chester Chang, head of the FAA Flight Standards International Program, presented the certificates.
P22 Nitijela spiritual leader Rev. Jude Samson has been recommend by a special committee established by Speaker Kessai Note to serve as Chaplain of the new Nitijela Chapel. The committee cites Samson’s past experience at governmental functions, including Nitijela ceremonies, his impeccable reputation as a spiritual leader, and his proud yet humble demeanor that qualified him as the successful candidate.
P22 Wage probe wanted Resolution 113 introduced by Senators Nidel Lorak and Kaiboke Kabua requests establishment of a commission to conduct a thorough investigation into the growing problem of price/wage disparity in the Republic and its effects on the standard of living, and to suggest courses of remedial action.
Journal 8/26/2005
P10 Let’s change Items on our list this week that need to be changed: Holding meetings only at 10am and 2pm. When was the last time you heard a government-sponsored meeting starting at 8:30 or 9am or at 1:30pm? Let’s get more work into our days; The recently approved law that requires the government to provide education to all young people 4-18 years of age — which the government can’t and isn’t doing. The previous law required public school education for 6-14 ages, which was/is difficult enough.
P11 It’s raining concrete The scene at a third floor capital building office last week: A steady flow of water is coming out of the ceiling, apparently from a leak through the base of a flag pole on top of the capital. So one of the workers rings up Public Works to come over to check it out. Public Works sends a guy right over. He climbs up a ladder and is poking around the leak when all of a sudden there’s a loud thud on the floor. Workers in next door offices come running in to find out what the big noise was. A big, arm’s length piece of concrete — maybe 30 pounds — just fell out of the ceiling onto the floor next to a worker’s desk. Now, third floor capital workers are continuing to work but nervously casting glances skyward in hopes that they will see the next chunk of the ceiling is falling before it lands on them. And they’re wondering, too, when the government is planning to start fixing the steadily deteriorating fourth floor — as documented in a Beca study last December.
P22 14 teams to fly in for All Mike Sixteen fishing teams are set to take part in the September 3-4 All Micronesia Fishing Tournament, 14 of which are from off island. This year’s Miss All Mike is Geraldine ‘Sadie’ Reimers, a graduate of Assumption High School.