CMI opens doors in Kili

CMI and KBE Local Government officials with the first group of participants in the college’s first Adult Basic Education program conducted on Kili Island.

CMI’s Adult Basic Education (ABE) program was launched on Kili Island last month with 22 students registered for the program. Classes started with two adjunct instructors.

This is the first of its kind for Kili, a development that was accomplished through the support of the KBE Local Government.

The collaboration initially kickstarted with a visit by CMI to Kili in July last year.
The collaboration aims to achieve the College mission and vision of providing access to tailored, quality, student-centered educational services for the Marshallese people. This is also connected to the College’s Learning and Teaching Rebellip under the Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) pathway to design programs to meet the immediate employment needs of the nation and create opportunities to ensure that students can continue into advanced training.

KBE Mayor Jibas Anderson officially launched the program and expressed how grateful Kili residents are for this opportunity to earn a high school diploma as this will create more opportunities of employment and continuation into higher education.

The range of students are both employed and unemployed in development levels three and four. Employees with KBE Local Government, Local Police, AMI, Agricultural Extension, PSS and 15 unemployed youths make up the initial group of students. Many of the students dropped out between grades 10 and 12. The oldest student is 66.

Some of the reasons for dropping out of school was staying with relatives while in school which posed many challenges for them, family commitments, financial constraints, and peer pressure. The students who have enrolled in the program will be able to earn a high school diploma while staying close to their families.

The ABE classes are conducted every afternoon at the Kili Elementary School and the KBE Local Government Council meeting room. There are plans to also start some vocational training with the youth on Kili in Automotive, Electrical, Carpentry, Masonry and HVAC.
College officials also expressed their appreciation for the Kili hospitality provided to the CMI team during the two weeks on the island.


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