CMI’s Solomon court upgrades

The photo shows the SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Sports Court at CMI, with the now-demolished stage to the right of the court. CMI is planning to place a new sign honoring the only Marshall Islander to die in Iraq. Photo: Wilmer Joel.

As part of its ongoing improvement project for the SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Sports Court at CMI, the college plans to install a new sign honoring the only Marshall Islander to die in the US Armed Forces during a combat mission. The college earlier this month demolished the existing small stage next to the court that contained the sign honoring SSG Sam as part of its improvement project.

“The renovation of the basketball court by CMI is now almost complete and we have plans for improvements to seating and a larger stage area for events,” CMI President Dr. Irene Taafaki told the Journal this week.

An architect’s drawing shows several rows of bleachers that are to be installed on one side of the basketball court. For many years, there has been no seating of any type at the sports facility.

Fencing for the entire area has also been designed as part of an effort to improve overall campus security, she said. CMI recently removed a line of coconut trees bordering its property by the court in the approximate location where the new fence will be installed.

As part of the process of improving the facility, CMI Vice President Stevenson Kotton has been consulting with Army Major John Phillips, who visited the site with Army veteran and US Embassy official Fred Nysta earlier this month “to see first hand the work underway, and also to confirm the relocation of the memorial being planned to make this SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Sports Court sign and tribute more visible to the general public,” Taafaki said.


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