Diversity festival hits high note

At the IOM Diversity Festival last weekend, from left: Keola Diaz, Amokai Kyle Diaz (Best Traditional Costume second place representing Palau), Pau Maitokana (Best Recycle wear third place), Bale Maitokana (Best Recycle wear second place and Best Female model), Cyan Enriquez (Best Traditional Costume first place representing Philippines) carried by Mum Dolly Enriquez, and IOM’s Angela Saunders. Photo: Chewy Lin. 

If there is one commodity in good supply in Majuro it’s “diversity.” This was demonstrated at an IOM-sponsored Diversity Festival during September that promoted “Gender Empowerment” and celebrated multi-cultural social cohesion in RMI.

During the two weekends prior to September 28, IOM sponsored a ‘Diversity Sports Festival’ to encourage not only girls to participate in sports but also to introduce less popular sports such as table tennis among the community.

The two weeks of activity culminated in last weekends festival, at which the winners of the volleyball, basketball and table tennis tournament were given their awards.

In addition in celebration of the diverse cultures there was a recyclable wearable competition, traditional costume competition, handicraft and food stalls, dances from Kiribati, Philippines, Tamanesian, Fiji and Pat-ti-Pate groups, and Power 103.5FM broadcasted live from the event venue at Jitak.

Over 150 people attended the event — Jitak was packed! There were lots of prizes for the competition winners and free giveaways.

Awards for the following were given out:

  • Best Stall – Special Ilonggo Inasal (Filipino food with recyclable decorations).
  • Best Service Stall – ROC Embassy (displaying Taiwan culture and fresh food products from the Laura Farm that was distributed freely among the audience).

“It was wonderful to see the platform provided by the IOM Diversity Sports Tournament and Festival been effectively utilized by the RMI community to display their diverse talents and empower themselves, ” said Pushpi Weerakoon, IOMs Program Manager for Gender. “IOM is grateful to US Embassy, Sports & Extra Curricular Program Team at the Ministry of Education and everyone else who actively joined us to make the 2 events a success.”

“Excellent job by the IOM Team!” said US Embassy Chargé Lance Posey. “Events like this spark conversation and encourage individuals and government leaders to take action regarding inequities in the community.  We greatly appreciate IOMs efforts.”


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