Education week in high gear

A spirited march to launch Education Week in Majuro last Friday saw hundreds of students and teachers join in from Alele Museum to the College of the Marshall Islands. Photo: Kalani Nii/Office of the President.
A spirited march to launch Education Week in Majuro last Friday saw hundreds of students and teachers join in from Alele Museum to the College of the Marshall Islands. Photo: Kalani Nii/Office of the President.

President Dr. Hilda Heine participated in Friday’s Education Week opening ceremony at the College of the Marshall Islands’ SGT Solomon Sam Basketball Court.

Heine delivered empowering remarks during the ceremony highlighting the importance of the Education Week. She mentioned that Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate public education, inform the community of the accomplishments and needs of public schools, to secure cooperation and support from the public, and to honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education.

She acknowledged those who have been involved in the the lives of students such as parents, teachers, and caregivers. As someone who is passionate about teaching, President Heine encouraged the parents and communities as a whole to support the children by “sharing your stories, knowledge, and skills with young people and ensuring they are well rooted to their cultural heritage.”

In commemoration of the Education Week, President Heine announced a few of her commitments during her second term as President. These include:

  • Reducing the number of school dropouts.
  • Increasing salaries for teachers.
  • Revising scholarship priorities to align with government needs.
  • Bolstering support for private schools through practicums.
  • Seek more opportunities for vocational training.

President Heine concluded by expressing her sincere “kommool tata” for being part of the special occasion and looking forward to successful outcome of next week’s activities.

The opening ceremony was attended by Education Minister Joe Bejang, Japan Ambassador Tanaka Kazunari, US Embassy Chargé Lance Posey, Majuro Mayor Ladie N. Jack, and students from public and private schools, teachers, parents and communities from various villages.


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