Color – Not available for print edition (NOTE: Journal’s digital edition for subscribers carries color ads.)
* For print-ready ads submitted by email, high-resolution .pdf format is preferred in both color and grayscale versions for the newspaper’s print and digital edition.
- We go to print Wednesday, but the paper is datelined Friday.
- Clients without an account with the Journal need to pay for advertisements before publication.
- We can accept ready-to-print advertisements in the following formats: InDesign, .pdf, .jpg, .eps, or .tiff (PDF is preferred).
- We can accept text for advertisements to be designed by the Journal team in Word format or text in the body of an email. Please don’t inset photographs into a Word document. These should be sent as separate files.
- Photographs should be at least 250kb in size and preferably in jpg format.
If you have a service you’d like to promote, a position that needs filling, or goods for sale, then you need to advertise in the Marshall Islands Journal. To do this, contact Maggie Abo and Megan Schellhase about advertising by emailing [email protected] or call (692) 625-8143.