Youth dive into film world

Professional photographer and videographer Chewy Lin talks to high school students about film techniques during the Jo-Jikum sponsored film workshop. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


Jo-Jikum is behind a two-week digital storytelling workshop for high school students at the College of the Marshall Islands that wraps up Friday.
Facilitating this workshop are Kathy Jetnil Jetnil-Kijiner, Rosenet Timius and Jobod Silk, while instructing the workshop are freelance photographer/filmmaker Chewy Lin and CMI Media Club Member Kattil Kendall.

A total of 12 Majuro students have participated since the start last week, while a contingent of students from Ebeye, delayed by Air Marshall Islands delays, began participating Monday.

The workshop invited Health Secretary and veteran filmmaker Jack Niedenthal to share his experiences in filming. Niedenthal’s presentation revealed a great deal of methods he has used throughout his filming career.

“Sound is very important,” he advised the student group. “You can edit video but you can’t change the sound.”

After Jack finished his presentation, the class had lunch and returned to the normal class session. Lin and Kendall then taught their students the elements of storyboard, in which they went through the elements of preparing a storyboard, and how it is used to guide the film shooting.

“The most important thing I learned from other filmmakers I met is to pass on the skill,” said Chewy. “Working with lots of young kids generates a lot of chemistry. I not only teach them, but I also learn from them.”

He also said that on the final day of class they will do a short presentation in class, and it is open for the public to come and see the students’ film. Lin hopes that the students will learn and use what they learn in class to inspire more filmmakers in the future.


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