High tides flood Majuro

Journal 12/14/2984

P1 Majuro municipalities ordered to amalgamate Trust Territory Judge Richard Miyamoto December 7 decided that the municipalities of Laura and Darrit-Uliga-Delap musts combine into one entity and comply with the Local Government Act enacted by the Nitijela regarding the establishment and jurisdictions of such bodies. 

P19 Nine Group contracts The Republic of China construction company Nine Group signed December 12 contracts for construction of a $4.09 million sewer and a $1.39 million cafetorium for Majuro. The US federally-funded projects will begin early next year. The award of the sewer contract to Nine Group comes as a result of a withdrawal from the process by Pacific International Inc., which had the original low bid.

P20 Women’s volleyball action Headlines: Nine to Five beats Dri Malal, Renegades defeat Lijelbobu, Liejilirara over Dri Malal, Nine to Five meets Renegades in final.

Journal 12/13/1996

P1 RMI registry ‘tanked’ up The Marshall Islands ship registry has, almost overnight, increased the ship tonnage registered here by more than 30 percent by signing up 20 vessels during November. The reflagging of the 20 tankers and other ships brings the total registered here to 133 and more importantly increases the gross tonnage from 3.5 million to 4.6 million. Ships pay fees according to their size.

P10 President still at Queen’s President Amata Kabua has been in intensive care for about a week after re-entering Queen’s Hospital in Honolulu, the RMI government said in a statement. He was medevaced to Honolulu on November 13 and spent six days in the hospital before being discharged. Acting President Kunio Lemari said that the President had been re-admitted for further observation and treatment and was still in intensive care.

P14 High tide floods parts of Majuro A high tide coupled with high waves caused ocean side surf to roll across low sections of downtown Majuro and in other parts of the atoll Tuesday afternoon. Several homes in Small Island and Jenrok were damaged or destroyed by the waves. 

Journal 12/14/2007

P3 Islands angered over discord on tuna deal Pacific countries, including the Marshall Islands, went to the annual Tuna Commission meeting in Guam with high expectations that agreement would be reached to reduce yellowfin and bigeye tuna catches. But they left empty handed after a few Asian fishing nations refused to back plans to cut back on caches for the two threatened tuna species. “Everyone agrees that something should be done,” said MIMRA Director Glen Joseph. But getting agreement on how, “that’s where it falls apart.”

P3 Marshallese ‘time bomb’ in Arkansas Marshall Islanders are among the unhealthiest people in the world, yet the large Marshallese immigrant population in Northwest Arkansas is not eligible for most federally-funded health care programs. The Morning News reported that Marshallese community leader Carmen Chong Gum made a strong appeal to Arkansas legislators to assist Marshallese, many of whom are tax payers, but who cannot access health care because of legal barriers since they are non-citizens.

P9 Gas breaks the $5 barrier Gas prices broke $5 per gallon for the first time ever in Majuro last Friday. Local gas stations, responding to the latest Mobil price hike, raised their prices, with the high being at $5.09.

P35 Kowak flies home to Maloelap A team studying the migratory pattern of the Bristle-Thighed Curlew bird, know locally as the kowak, arrived in Majuro last week to track down a tagged Curlew that had migrated from Alaska to spend its winer at Maloelap Atoll.The kowak, which was tagged with a satellite transmitter along with 11 other kowaks in June this year, has flown about 6,000 miles nonstop from its breeding ground at the Yukon River Delta in Alaska to settle on the island of Nawoj, Maloleap. 


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