Back in the Day

Marshallese doctors here

Marshallese doctors here

Journal 12/19/1986 P1 Bing’s new Jenrok store openThe Althea Bing Company opened its new store last Saturday in Jenrok village.The beautiful new store is located across from the high school in what used to be the ABC wholesale warehouse. It compliments two other ABC stores in Rita and Delap. The company started operating April 2, […]

Severed leg found at PII

Severed leg found at PII

Journal 9/18/1987 P1 Jailhouse rocks! One of the most colorful local spots on Majuro happens to be the jailhouse, and its potential as a tourist attraction should not be overlooked. We’ve had reporters down at the jail who were entertained to see nubile young girls on exhibition just off the main lobby. But reporters don’t […]

Local film a hot item

Local film a hot item

Journal 5/16/1986 P1 Wife and child abuse up in Marshalls? A young Marshallese women was severely beaten at home by her husband two weeks ago. Several days later, she was dead of head injuries she received from the beating. This incident once again brings to the forefront questions about wife and child abuse in the […]

US forces 177 for deal

US forces 177 for deal

Journal 5/1/1987 P1 Forced to sign 177 Marshall Islands negotiators told the United States that nuclear claims should be settled with individual Marshallese claimants but the US refused, using economic leverage and incentives in the Compact to get the Marshall Islands government to approve the Compact nuclear claims settlement with espousal, said Minister of Health […]

Litokwa stands firm

Litokwa stands firm

Journal 4/24/1987 P4 MITALP hires Harvard ‘heavy’ The continuing saga of Marshallese nuclear claims against the United States goes another round this Friday in Washington, DC when attorneys for the US and the Bikini, Enewetak and northern islands people argue their cases before Claims Court Judge Kenneth Harkins. The oral arguments are the final step […]

El Niño hits Majuro hard

El Niño hits Majuro hard

Journal 3/14/1986 P1 Ready to go The newly formed Majuro Atoll Local Government, headed by Mayor Amatlain Kabua, iOS meeting ready to swing into action, following a week-long workshop on operations of the local government. Last week’s workshop was sponsored by Interior and Outer Islands Affairs and is also being held on other atolls that […]

AMI loses $1.2 million

AMI loses $1.2 million

Journal 2/14/1986 P1 Ataji greets HiCom Senator Ataji Balos led a group of more than 50 Kwajalein landowners over to Kwajalein Island February 13 in a demonstration of their dissatisfaction with the Pentagon’s reply to their requests for increased ai, said sources on Ebeye. The action resulted in the snack bar being closed to all […]

Classy RRE center opens

Classy RRE center opens

Journal 2/7/1986 P1 ‘Navigator’ sailing to Majuro The Honolulu Theater for Youth play, “Song for the Navigator,” has been captivating sold-out audiences since it began performing in Hawaii last month. Later this month, Majuro residents will have the opportunity to view the play during the theater company’s tour of Micronesia. Thanks to the efforts of […]

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