Irooj Kabua Passes away

Journal 10/8/1982

P1 Kwajalein landowner camps reported nearly empty As of October 8, only 15 people remained behind at Camp Hamilton, Kwajalein, according to Journal correspondent on Ebeye Elvi Lakabung. People at Roi-Namur were to leave for Ebeye the day before but did not because of a missile operation that day. Lakabung said they will be leaving for Ebeye in what landowners are calling “temporary evacuation.”

P3 Police nab court robbers Daring thieves stole $367 from the purses of Shirley Dye and Gaeleen Woytko in the court reporters office at the court house. The police responded immediately and two patrols began questioning and searching the neighborhood. Within in an hour the culprits were apprehended and all money was returned to the victims.

Journal 10/14/1994

P1 Kabua Kabua Paramount Chief Kabua Kabua passed away last week in Majuro at the age of 84. His death was cause for a declaration of a week of national mourning by President Amata Kabua. His gentle charm and friendly personality endeared him to all who knew him. 

P10 More bags of white powder wash up Nine packages of white powder, believed to be cocaine, were discovered on the shore of Mejit Island last week. The powdery substance, wrapped in heavy, double plastic bags, is in Majuro in the custody of law enforcement officials. Between December 1992 and August 1993, packages were found at Bikini, Rongelap, Mili and other islands.

P11 MEC fuel sales leap The establishment of a longline fishing fleet based in Majuro has been a key factor in an 80 percent leap from 1993 to 1994 in diesel fuel sales by the Marshalls Energy Company. “The second ‘White Elephant’ has died,” MEC General Manager Billy Roberts said, referring to critics who in the early 1980s labelled both the MEC power plant and the tank farm “white elephants” that were doomed to failure because they were too big for Majuro.

P17 Cabinet confirms four Tribunal staff The Cabinet on Friday approved four appointments at the Nuclear Claims Tribunal. Oscar deBrum was appointed chairman of the Tribunal. Philip Okney was confirmed as defender of the fund, Gerald Smith as financial officer, and Bill Graham as the public advocate — all for two year terms. Graham is the only Cabinet-appointed Tribunal staff who dates back to when the Tribunally was originally established in 1988.

P18 Brewing up a storm Inside the Republic Brewery in Delap, brewmaster Paul Fullerton and Alan Jorkan were checking the results of the latest beer now on tap at many local bars. The brewery is planning to begin bottling beer by early 1995, and expand into fruit juices and soda.

P19 Joining the world Residents of the sleepy backwater community of Laura on Majuro Atoll have joined the world of modern communications with the installation of a new cellular phone transmitting tower. The NTA tower, like its sister in the more sophisticated village of Rita, also serves as a reminder to visitors that cold drinks and casual atmosphere are available at the Marshall Islands Club.

Journal 10/7/2005 

P3 Want water, get vodka RMI Customs agents Ruben Zackhras, Jr. and Dixon Kaminaga confiscated illegally imported goods that are being held at the Delap Dock in a locked container by the Ministry of Finance. Among the items held are bottle of vodka that a company attempted to import as “bottled water.” That effort was foiled when a Customs agent, thirsty while clearing a container, reached into one of the boxes, grabbed a bottle and started to swig it down. He was rather surprised at the taste of the “water.”

P28 Basketball honchos Daniel Andrew and Heran Bellu are currently in New Zealand attending a basketball administration workshop aimed at improving conduct of leagues and tournaments in RMI?


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