Journal 11/23/1984
P1 Flags at half mast The flags of the Marshall Islands were ordered flown at half-mast this past week to honor the passing of its senior statesman — Dwight Heine. In the period roughly since the end of World War II there is perhaps no peer of his who ranged as far, initiated as much, or was responsible for the emergency of the present Marshall Islands reputation as was Dwight Heine. His intelligence and glibness of speech delighted everyone, even those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of a well turned barb.
P7 Churches protest gambling A public hearing conducted by the Nitijela Committee on Ways and Means into the question of legalized gambling in Majuro resulted in a unanimous negative reaction, according to acting Ways and Means Chairman Senator Tipne Philippo. He said the people testifying at Tuesday’s hearing were from the various religious organizations on island.
P10 Hotel mishap A minor back injury of sorts was suffered November 18 by new hospital project manager T. Nagel. The project man is reported doing well and no complications are expected due to what was originally reported as a small fall off a hotel construction site. The Journal, however, suspecting the hotel fall story was a cover up, discovered a pair of broken glasses, identified as being owned by the injured, shattered in the tread of a motorcycle down at Laura Beach. Why Nagel is trying to hide the fact that he was on a motorcycle at age 42 is understood.
P13 FBI investigating bad check from Majuro offshore bank The US Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into a complaint by a large US brokerage firm which received a worthless check for nearly $500,000 drawn on an offshore bank registered in the Marshalls.
Journal 11/22/1996
P3 Copra production dives Copra production during 1996 took a dive, and Tobolar officials say the reason is because government field trip service didn’t deliver. The year ending September 30, 1995 produced a modern day record production of 7,728 tons of copra. Through September 30 this year, the total dropped to 5,722 tons.
P5 Bwera’s block party There have already been a couple of official meetings by interested businessmen and other community activists to work on the idea of a huge, island-wide block party in the downtown area. Victor’s idea is that the whole main road would be closed off from 7pm New Year’s Eve and that businesses would set up booths to sell all sorts of things. Great local bands would be spread around the area. Co-chairman for the organizing of the party are Bill Graham and Kirt Pinho.
P20 Hawks upset by Brand-X In the upset of the tournament, Brand-X came from an opening round defeat to a semi-final victory over reigning champion Rita Hawks in the President’s Day basketball tournament. The win forced a showdown against the Hawks to see who will advance to the championship.
Journal 11/23/2007
P3 Chaos at the booths The national election in the Marshall Islands Monday was labeled “chaos,” “a disaster,” and “a mess,” by candidates as nearly half-way into the voting day fewer than half of the voting stations were open in Majuro where half the population of the country lives.
P31 Satoshi adds a touch of quality Satoshi Yoshii is out to prove that one person can make a difference. He has played a pivotal role in giving the Marshall Islands a chance to be a player in Japan’s huge outbound tourism market. And he is making sure that tourism development in the Marshall Islands is not only done but that it is done right. The fourth Japan Airlines charter flight of the year arrives this Friday, with about 200 tourists ready to hit our shores. JAL will be operating two more charters during December to bring this year’s total number of flights to six. MIVA said the JAL flights have raised the number of tourists to the RMI to their highest level ever.