Journal 9/18/1987
P1 Jailhouse rocks!
One of the most colorful local spots on Majuro happens to be the jailhouse, and its potential as a tourist attraction should not be overlooked. We’ve had reporters down at the jail who were entertained to see nubile young girls on exhibition just off the main lobby, girls with endowments that would make a Kapiolani drink hustler jealous. But reporters don’t really get into the real jail here on Majuro, the one that goes on and on with weekend breaks, long-tall bottles of vodka, and sees the jailers doing errands for the jailees.
P2 Global to be replaced
Global associates will no longer be a household work at Kwajalein Atoll where the US Army bases its strategic mid-Pacific missile testing facility. Effective October 1, Pan American World Services Aerospace Division Cape Canaveral will be replacing Global as the main logistic support contractor at the USAKA facility.
P13 No more laughs
A double loss is expected this week in Marshall Islands journalism with the expected departure of the Journal’s visiting cartoonist/reporter David Cooney and hotshot photographer Shimada Kousei. David, who is continuing on a trip of self-realization (he graduated from Skidmore College in New York last June) is heading for Southeast Asia. Shimada-san, of course, intends to continue his protracted visit here after a brief sojourn in Japan.
P16 Need info on leg
There is still is no information about the boy’s leg found by the PII dredging compound near the Majuro bridge. The leg was found last week. A $1,000 reward was offered for information leading to identification of the limb.
Journal 9/17/1999
P1 Hospital: Back to square one
Is it business as usual at Majuro hospital? Decidedly not, say top health officials who again shut down all but emergency room services on Wednesday because of unresolved issues with the Public Service Commission.
P11 Power plant: Some pain before gain
The capital’s new power plant is nearing completion, when cables will be hooked up to the distribution system: Which will mean at least two all-day power outages. At least one engine of the new power plant is expected to go on-line by October.
Journal 9/24/2010
P3 Jaki-ed auction tonight
The fourth annual jaki-ed show and auction is happening this week. The finely woven mats that have made the Marshall Islands famous will be on public display and later auctioned this Thursday. The University of the South Pacific’s Jaki-Ed Weaving Cultural Restoration Project will display 42 of these woven mats from Ailinglaplap, Jaluit, Mejit, Arno and Namdrik.
P3 Franco will be sorely missed
Marshall Islands leaders hailed Teariki Franco Mateariki, who died unexpectedly in Majuro last week, as a man who forsook offers to work elsewhere in order to devote much of his life to building sustainable agriculture in the RMI. The Cook Islander was an agriculture expert who supervised the re-greening of Enewetak — an island denuded of trees from its use as headquarters for nuclear testing and later, clean up.