JAL fightings to begin soon


Journal 10/11/1983

P5 TRC judges appointed High Court Chief Justice John Lanham issued an appointment order October 7 for the judges of the Traditional Rights Court. Appointed as irooj member are Bwilej Jibas from Ralik, Wame Taklur from Ratak, and Bollong Joklur from Ratak. The alab members are Caleb Rantak from Ralik, Zebedy Tarkwon from Ratak, and Nathan Tartios from Ratak. The dri jerbal members are Berson Joseph from Ralik, Ellan Jorkan from Ralik, and Neimon Philippo from Ratak. Joseph was appointed Chief Judge of the TRC.

Journal 10/13/1995

P1 Cookies & cakes girls at Gibson’s Grand opening of AmRo Mon Kuk, located at Gibson’s side door, marked both the opening of the bakery and sweet shop and the celebration of the fourth anniversary of AmRo Mon Kuk in Rita. It is the only bakery on Majuro that can give you the kind of cake you want.

P2 Cellular users receive free long distance You gotta hand it to the National Telecommunications Authority: they are setting a new standard for service that one would hope other government-affiliated businesses would copy. Recently, NTA experienced technical difficulties with its cellular phone service, putting the phones off the air for part of September. No on really complained. We’ve all come to expect regular glitches in service living as we do in an isolated regional fraught with salty gremlins known to have an incredible appetite for electronic equipment. But despite the lack of complaint, Assistant General Manager Tommy deBrum announced that all cellular phone sets would receive a pro-rated dissent on their September bill to reflect the down time. Not only that. “Any calls made overseas while the system was down will not be charged either,” said Tommy. A few of the guys who aren’t known to have too much gray matter between their ears were extremely pleased at hearing about the free overseas calls and wanted to know if they could back date some of their most recent charges.

P4 More equitable UN rates sought Minister of Foreign Affairs Phillip Muller issued an urgent call October 11 for the UN to lower the minimum rate that is applied for a country to join the UN.

P4 Dive industry on verge of blossoming Robert Reimers Enterprises dive master Fabio Amaral announced this week the imminent arrival of a new live-aboard dive vessel for the Marshall Islands. In the year since he originally began operating dive tours for RRE, Amaral has seen a continual increase in interested and availability for the fledgling industry. 

P14 One small, complete island Ejit is one of the smallest islands in Majuro, but it’s well built. It has its own basketball courts, its own beach, well built residential homes with electricity, a bicycling road, its own dispensary, and it has been planted with resources. It’s a very clean and beautiful island that the islanders always sit under breadfruit trees and bwebwenato while enjoying the beautiful view.

Journal 10/13/2006

P1 JAL schedules first flight for February Japan Airlines has set its first charter flight to Majuro for February 11, moving the much discussed for direct air service between Tokyo and Majuro into a final countdown to the first flight.

P3 RMI, Kosrae, Yap bid to host games The RMI Cabinet has reportedly endorsed a plan to host the 2010 Micronesian Games in Majuro. On Tuesday, Micronesian Games Council Chairman Bill Keldermans gave the marshall Islands an extension of time to submit its bid for 2010. Originally September 30, the bid must now be submitted by next Friday. Kosrae and Yap have both submitted bids to host the next games.

P14 Mighty winds hit Majuro Gale force southerly winds and exceptionally high tides wreaked havoc all along the southern shores of Majuro Saturday, with waves breaking over the reef and flooding into ocean side homes and across the main road.


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