Jiba laid to rest in Majuro

Police honor guard escorts the casket of the late Minister and Ambassador Jiba Kabua into the Nitijela last Friday for the start of a state funeral — as family members, including former President David Kabua, holding fan, look on. Photo: Hilary Hosia.

The late Minister and Ambassador Jiba Kabua’s remains were laid to rest Sunday afternoon at the family compound in Majuro next to the grave site of his father, first President and founding father Amata Kabua.

Kabua, 74, was the eldest in his family. He died from cancer earlier in the month at Majuro hospital.

A state funeral was held March 22 at Nitijela, prior to shifting the funeral to the family compound. He was buried on Sunday afternoon.

A final gathering, known as the “eoreak,” was held Wednesday afternoon to bring family and friends together a final time at the gravesite and for a meal.


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