P1 Voice of Marshalls opposes MPSC An organization in the Marshalls District has cabled the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York objecting to the official representation to be made by members of the Marshalls Political Status Commission. The organization claims that the Commission’s position has not yet been accepted or rejected by the Marshallese people. Two members of the Marshalls status commission left Majuro Sunday for New York to voice “strong opposition to a US-backed plan for Micronesian unity under a new constitution. They are Chairman Amata Kabua and Vice Chairman Tony deBrum.
P1 A grand opening District Manager/Postmaster HC Chee of Honolulu cuts a flower lei ribbon to officially open the new Majuro post office. Looking on are Majuro Postmaster Sailass Andrike and Truk Postmistress Mayumi Lomonge. The ribbon is artfully held aloft by Rose Murphy, daughter of the guy who decided this was a good photo for page one.
P3 The Village open The long-awaited opening of the new Ponape Village Hotel took place early this month with a community feast and welcoming of its first guests. The Village Hotel is a project of Uh Corporation. Designed by its incorporators, Bob and Patti Arthur, the island-style resort dedicated its first 10 units and dining facilities on June 3.
Journal 7/5/1991
P21 Tole Mour plans help for island youth David Higgins, president of Marimed Foundation, was in Majuro last week to make a presentation to the United Church of Christ youth convention. He also touched base with officials from the ministries of Health, Education and Social Services in regard to plans to launch a new “youth oriented” dimension to the services provided by Tole Mour, the three mast tall ship.
Journal 7/7/2000
P1 Stop fleecing American sheep Halting the “deplorable, outrageous fleecing of the American taxpayer” must be a top priority of the current Compact negotiations, said Rep. Doug Bereuter at a special last week on Compact spending by the Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia. “Significant changes are needed” to Compact economic provisions, he said, “to ensure that our assistance does, in fact, lead the FSM and the RMI on a successful path to economic self-sufficiency in which all islanders, not just a chosen few, benefit.”
P1 Happy birthday Acting President Wilfred Kendall was among a large turnout at the July 4 party at the US Embassy Tuesday, which also served as a farewell event for soon-to-depart Ambassador Joan Plaisted. She is to be replaced by Ambassador Mike Senko.
P7 Sharpshooters It took President Kessai Note two shots to sink one, but his second, a Harlem Globetrotters’ style hook shot, brought a cheer from the crowd, while RMI national team player Neri Wase calmly dropped in a free throw to christen the new backboards at the ECC gym that have been installed in advanced of this month’s Outrigger Micronesian Basketball Tournament.