P1 President asks public to study Compact President Amata Kabua and Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum returned from the United States today and reported to leaders and the public assembled at the government building that the Cmpact of Free Association had been signed. Kabua said in addition to the Compact itself, the agreements for radiation compensation and military use had been signed. The President asked the public to study the documents — to be distributed and translated soon — and then the question is to approve or not to approve. He said there is little time between now and the August plebiscite date.
P1 Ataji Balos may resign from Cabinet Ataji Balos, Minister of Internal Security of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, has flown to Kwajalein to consult with his constituents there regarding resignation from the Cabinet of the Kabua Government. Balos, interviewed at Majuro airport en route to Kwajalein, told the Journal Kwajalein people are unalterably opposed to the Compact of Free Association signed in Honolulu by President Amata Kabua and US representative Fred Zeder.
Journal 6/10/1994
P22 Notice Attention Chinese citizens residing in the Marshall Islands: By special arrangement, you have permission to purchase Journal T-shirts which can be taken back to Mainland China and/or Taiwan. Availalable at Journal office or from Box 14, Majuro. Send $12 for shirt, add $2.90 for mailing to the US if you think you will have a forwarding address in that country in the near future. Americans, Filipinos, Pacific Islands, and other races may also purchase these shirts. However, citizens of Argentina are currently prevented from enjoying this offer.
P23 Jaluit High School honor roll 12 grade: Agnes Smith, Heromey Benjamin, Saburo Lani, Almitha Clement, Miana Luther, Metalyn Abji, Ebsen Jeik, Alington Abija, Robin Anien, Danny Joel.
P23 Majuro wholesale company outperforms sister companies Micronesian Sales Company Marshalls Inc. dominated in its parent company’s 1993 awards of excellence. Eleven sister wholesale companies throughout Micronesia are considered for awards. Out of the eight excellence awards given out, the Marshalls branch received four: best kept warehouse, best return on assets, largest increase in profit, best overall performance. The Majuro store is managed by CEO Danny Muno.
Journal 6/10/2005
P7 Testing, testing Na eo, that’s me, the guy who, in the early part of the year, made a testing for all of the teachers in the islands to see, if, they are qualify or not qualify. Some of the question cause great number to be wrong, but, some of the questions easy, like, the question we give answers and then the teachers have to guess, like: Question: Hi, My name is Jommy and I have a pie to cut up for four (4) peoples to share ’n share alick. So anyway, how many pieces of pie will they need? Answer (make one): (a) Yes, (b) OK, (d) Later, (f) 24 inches. So, after, analysise the answer we come up with final score on the tests which were: 90 percent correct (b), 96 percent correct (a), 86 percent correct (c), and 81 percent correct (f). After analysise we see what teacher is the best and give them the test result. —Darryl. LK.
P8 Scanner boosts diagnostic ability Diagnosing diseases will be much easier for doctors at Majuro hospital with the introduction of the first ever Computer Demographic Scanner, better known as a CT-scan. The $600,000 CT-scan arrived in Majuro two weeks ago and was set up in the new hospital annex for its first trial run on Monday.
P11 It’s official Larry and Anela tied the knot last weekend. The couple were married in a beautiful ceremony at St. Francis School Church in Honolulu. Anela’s uncle Glenn Pinho sang at the ceremony and father Kirt cracked a lot of jokes at the reception. The whole Pinho Family flew out for the event. Among those joining Larry and Anela Hernandez for the event were Gerald Saragosa, Kam Lai, Nanea Sprat and Melissa Kramer.
P1 Packing in the people Weza looking’ good as far as bums on seats, huh, Bill? Tuesday night at the Marshall Islands Resort had the hotel’s big boss smiling with the restaurant, bar and both outside areas packed with people imbibing and munching on goodies from Enra. Reason being was that MIR was the venue of choice for a range of mobs, including the Australian Ambassador to the RMI Corinne Tomkinson, who staged a soiree for all the Aussies on island, meaning a couple of dozen Down Under dudes were seen sipping on Aussie wines and beer, while they spoke in that particular tongue of theirs.
P15 Wrestlers head to Oceania championships A group of three Marshall Islands wrestlers is leaving to Pohnpei this week to complete in the Oceania Regional Wrestling Championships June 10-11. Heading the small team will be Jaston “Stinky” Anjain, who won gold and silver medals at the 2002 Micronesian Games in Pohnpei, and newcomer Jeton Anjain, Jr., who is getting his first shot at international competition. Coach Francis “Sleepy” Silk will be supporting the two wrestlers.