Majuro Day showcases Micro Games area

A Majuro Atoll Local Government police honor guard leads a Majuro Day parade into the newly created landfill area in Jenrok that will soon host an Olympic quality track and field, and a baseball field. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


The most anticipated playing ground for the upcoming Micronesian Games in 2023 at Jenrok was opened early to the public last week in honor of Majuro’s 78th Liberation Day closing ceremony under the theme “Ãmen Akā Eo” (reap what you sow), a two day event from Friday to Saturday.

A line up of 13 public and private schools alongside the Majuro Local Government Honor (MALGov) Guards spearheaded the start of the event with a parade starting from the southern gate of Marshall Islands High School in Utrikan to Demon Town back road.

The expected 9:30am parade started Marshallese time around 10:15. People all over Jenrok came out of their houses to greet the parade participants. Upon arriving at the track and field site the view was bigger than looking at it from afar. A high school student told the Journal as soon as he first stepped on the track and field he felt that he was experiencing a threshold of a new chapter in history in sports for the Marshall Islands.

Awaiting the multitude of those who joined the parade were government officials, diplomats, traditional leaders, various media organizations, Pacific International Inc. workers who built the site among many others in attendance.

After the parade the students were ushered to take refuge under a few prepared tents and they sat on the sandy floor. Pastor Helmer Lang of the Independent Majuro Baptist Church delivered the invocation of the program after the singing of the two national anthems for RMI and Majuro.

Following the opening of the program a choreographed performance by MALGov police was on display as they moved in various formations with “attention” and salutes. Emceeing the event was MALGov staff member Hansen Kaisha. The program included speakers Majuro Nitijela Member Wilbur Heine, Acting President Jiba Kabua, Majuro Nitijela Member Tony Muller, and Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack.

“This is an important day for us citizens of Majuro,” said Heine. “We commemorate this day when our forefathers suffered from the previous world wars caused by the bigger countries.”

Jabot Mayor Heinkey Lomwe performed a song he composed with the accompaniment of the Majuro band while balloons were released into the atmosphere. The pinnacle of the program reached down to a mini-parade in circular formation of 17 new vehicles for MALGov: A bulldozer, 13 diesels flatbed trucks, two John Deer lawn mowers, and one new police pickup truck.

The stars of the event were two dancing groups Tiete Labuk and Lerooj Takbar Ishiguro’s Demon Town team who provided entertaining performances.


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