The construction of the maritime facility next to Uliga Dock kicked off in January: Six months later, one of the project organizers, Raffael Held, told the Journal “the construction of the maritime training complex, which is next to the Marshall Islands Shipping Corporation’s office, is making good progress.”
The main purpose of the building will be to provide training in engine mechanics and deck work for Marshallese. Raffael, who works with the German-funded bilateral program Low Carbon Sea Transport, said it’s expected Joemar Construction Ltd.’s work will be finished by the end of this year.
The Sea Transport Project is implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ), but the Marshall Islands Shipping Corporation will be the owner of the building, which will have an interior area of 2,600 square feet.
Raffael added that “the local GIZ team is currently in the contracting phase for a 150-foot sailing cargo vessel. This ship will be handed over to the RMI government in 2023 and will provide low cost domestic sea transportation throughout RMI. The building at Uliga will be used as a platform to train future Marshallese seafarers.”
It is expected that the cargo vessel will be tied up at Uliga Dock and will have accommodation available for trainees. The plan is for the boat to do regular trips between the atolls, giving the trainees practical hands-on sailing experience.