Journal 7/3/1987
P1 McCoy farewelled
RepMar and US military brass rolled out the red carpet July 1 in a ceremony at Majuro airport marking the end of the US Trust Territory. Janet McCoy was honored as the last High Commission by President Amata Kabua, who presented her with a wood-framed presidential citation. He praised her dedication, skills and understanding which helped bring an end to the Trust Territory. McCoy was accompanied an honored by an entourage including Commander-in-Chief Pacific Admiral Ronald Hays, four admirals and a Marine general, former Ambassador Fred Zeder, Kwajalein Commander Col. Richard Chapman, and State and Interior Department officials.
P14 ‘Fishing 101’ course in Majuro
Robert Underwood, director of Bilingual Education Assistance in Micronesia, challenged teachers and curriculum writers to write a curriculum that is in line with the Marshall Islands goal of self-reliance. He suggested that if one objective is every sixth grader should be able to find the Marshall Islands on a globe, then it requires the Marshals to purchase a lot of globes. If there isn’t any money, then don’t waste time on that curriculum objective, he said. However, if the Marshalls does get globes then someone needs to make sure they have the Marshall Islands on them. He pointed to a globe in the room where the workshop was being held and proved his point: the Marshalls was not on the globe. The difficulty in trying to intelligently plan the curriculum is that the Marshalls’ education program is determined by curriculum from outside. “A student in the Marshall Islands has no business learning about mountains before he knows the reefs,” said Underwood. “The student will be unhappy, frustrated and confused if he does.” He added: “A curriculum that prepares Marshallese for migration is sad.”

Journal 7/2/1999
P3 Road nearly done
“The end is now in sight.” No, we’re not talking about the end of the world on January 1, 2000. It’s Majuro’s road paving project that’s almost done, expected to be completed by September.
P12 Election year 1999 prediction
Election year 1999 prediction, may not only bring new faces to Nitijela, but also could end the political era of manipulation and brainwashing which had possessed the mindset of the voters for almost last two decades….Election 1999 will say ‘goodbye’ to some of the members of the Nitijela. — Artaji Andrew
P15 Bikini shark attack
Bikini’s shark pass is living up to its advance billing for excitement. The intensely shark-infested area is a focus of Al Giddings’ movie feature for the the Discovery Channel and one of his film crew members found himself the focus of an unhappy and hungry grey reef shark last week. The shark incident — from which the underwater photographer escaped unharmed physically — was fully captured on film and will, not doubt, raise the viewer ratings for the Discovery film. The crew member found that a shark cage didn’t provide him with as much protection from sharks as he might have expected.
Journal 7/2/2010
P16 RMI’s Greek connection
A shipping industry event last month in Greece gave the Marshall Islands ship registry the opportunity to meet with many people in the industry. Greek owners now make up the largest segment, by tonnage, within the Marshall Islands registry. “Greek owners, who have long played a major role within the Marshall Islands registry, helped elevate the registry to more than 57 million gross tons and nearly 2,200 vessels at the end of May 2010 and are responsible for 23 percentage of the tonnage in the registry today,” said Theo Xenakoudis, Managing Director International Registries Inc. Piraeus office.
P17 Boy Scouts learn good life lessons
Nearly 200 boys went to Enemanit last wee end expecting to just swim and have fun. But Marshall Island Boy Scouts Director Hirobo Obeketang surprised them with an assignment requiring the boys to come with ideas on energy conservation and present them to the group. They rose to the task at hand. “I was proud as each group gave their presentation highlighting a few ideas such as using ‘enra’ (traditional basket) which they use as a plate to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner eliminating foam plate products,” Obeketang told the Journal.