Majuro set to go online

P4 LDS to build chapel The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is having a groundbreaking ceremony for their new chapel on September 4 at 1pm behind the satellite communications center. At 4pm the same day they will have another groundbreaking in Laura for a chapel.

P9 Rep. Seiberling on Kwajalein discontent “We, the United States, moved the population (of Kwajalein Atoll), and made their island off limits without providing an economic base for the community, and now we’re trying to wash our hands of it. That, to me, is totally wrong from a moral standpoint and I have a mind to sit on this Compact until we can work things out with the administration and with the Government of the Marshall Islands,” stated Rep. John F. Seiberling, chairman of the Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks of the House of Representatives Committee on Interior. As part of ongoing hearings on the Compact of Free Association the subcommittee heard testimony on national security aspects of the Compact August 9. In opening remarks, Seiberling noted the dual responsibility of the US Congress to ascertain that the Compact satisfied national security interests and fulfills the United States’ obligations under the Trusteeship. The chairman also stated that he considers the people of Kwajalein’s discount with the document an important factor about which “we must be concerned.”

P12 Basketball action Dutty and Brenson played an excellent game for Hoopla Wednesday as they defeated the Filipinos 63-52. Dutty netted 22 points, Brenson scored 18 points and Danny hit the boards for nine rebounds. George missed the first quarter for the Filipinos but scored 17 points with 10 rebounds in the last three quarters. The Rita Cyclers dropped the Red Spiders 59-50. Brad had 16 points and 12 rebounds, Hackney hit the board for 13 rebounds and 10 points, while Buckle scored 10. Mark put on a good show for the Spiders, scoring 22.

Journal 8/30/1996

P1 Forum invasion The onslaught of visitors to Majuro for the South Pacific Forum began Wednesday, with the arrival of about 40 delegates from member countries and the Forum Secretariat. Another 300 or more, including journalists, are expected to arrive daily through Monday.

P10 Palau wins Mobil All-Mike It’s a good thing that defending Mobil All-Micronesia Fishing Tournament champion Tommy Remengesau, Jr. of Palau brought a second team with him this year — Team Palau, led by Remengesau came in fourth, but Palau’s second team representing the Palau Sport Fishing Association, won the fourth annual tournament. “The mistake we made was to invite an older team from Palau,” said Remengesau at the banquet. “When it comes to glory, you have to give way to your elders.”

P3 Flu takes toll An epidemic of flu has hit Majuro, with hundreds of people coming down with the virus, according to Majuro hospital. Dr. Masao Korean, the hospital’s chief of staff, said this strain of flu is particulary strong. The hospital has been overflowing with patients.

P4 Only a few more weeks until Internet If you’re like Joel McCravy, you can’t wait to get hooked up to the Internet link with the rest of the world. According to NTA’s Tommy deBrum, future Internet users don’t have long to wait. “We’re just waiting for MCI to establish the satellite connection for us,” he said.

Journal 8/31/2007

P1 Sea Patrol evacuates tourists from Bikini The Marshall Islands government stepped in Friday to help evacuate stranded international tourists at Bikini Atoll after AMI’s only operating aircraft was grounded a week ago Saturday. Lomor left Friday and returned to Majuro Tuesday with the group. Bikini Atoll Divers refunded about $25,000 to a group of European and American divers who flew into the Marshall Islands last week but could not get to Bikini for a week of scuba diving.

P32 On the web The Marshall Islands Journal launched its website this week,


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