By Journal on February 22, 2024
1, Amata Kabua Blvd., Batkan, Ebeye, Giff Johnson, improvements, Jenrok sports field, Lojkar, Majuro, Micronesian games, MIHS, mobile phone network, NTA, Rita, Tommy Kijiner
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Dropped calls and calls that don’t go through. That’s been a way of life for cell phone users in the Marshall Islands. The upcoming Micronesian Games is not only improving and expanding sports facilities that people here will enjoy long after the games, but it is leading to what is hoped to be […]
By Journal on June 10, 2022
Abigail Zedkaia, Chewy Lin, College of the Marshall Islands, College of the Marshall Islands nursing students, Delap Seventh Day Adventist, Hirata Kabua, Irene Taafaki, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Laninaur Kabua, Laura High School, Marshall Islands High School, Mike Kabua, NTA, Romeo Alfred, Wilmer Bolkeim
Feature Articles

Graduation dominoes keep falling: The end of May it was Majuro Coop School,Assumption and SDA on consecutive days. Then a brief lull before the public schools launched, with Kwajalein Atoll High School Monday, Marshall Islands High School Tuesday and Laura High School Wednesday this week.These events “sandwiched” another set of graduations at Kwajalein Atoll. The […]
By Journal on October 14, 2021
Amata Kabua,, David Kabua, Floyd Takeuchi, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Kindle, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room, Mike Kabua, MIMRA, NTA, Our Ocean’s Promise, Our Ocean's Promise – From Aspiration to Inspirations: The Marshall Islands Fishing Story, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Solomon Islands, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority put on a special program last Friday at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room to launch a new book — the first ever to document the Marshall Islands commercial fishing story.President David Kabua headlined the event, offering praise for MIMRA and the book, “Our Ocean’s Promise — From Aspirations […]
By Journal on August 27, 2021
internet, Joel McCravy, Majuro set to go online, MCI, NTA, Tommy deBrum
Back In The Day

P4 LDS to build chapel The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is having a groundbreaking ceremony for their new chapel on September 4 at 1pm behind the satellite communications center. At 4pm the same day they will have another groundbreaking in Laura for a chapel. P9 Rep. Seiberling on Kwajalein discontent “We, the […]
By Journal on April 23, 2020
Hilary Hosia, Joe Bejang, Lib islands, Majuro, NTA, Red
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA By the time of this publication, Lib Parliament Member Joe Bejang and a unique group of go-getters have begun working on “operation Lib safe passage.” The team, which includes the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Land and Survey Division from the Ministry of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities, National Telecommunications Authority (NTA) and Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on March 19, 2020
Enewetak, Hilary Hosia, Journal, NTA
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA After two years of zero Internet connectivity, the people of Enewetak finally made contact with families and friends in the outside world through social media following restoration of the island’s Internet this past Sunday. According to the local council, Internet has been down since July 2018. Enewetak is the most northwestern atoll in […]
By Journal on July 19, 2019
Billma Peter, Daisy Alik Momotaro, Dennis Momotaro, Hilda Heine, Mejit, Miss Marshall Islands, NTA, Ramona Levy-Strauss
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA Billma Peter became the most popular 22-year old bachelorette in the Marshall Islands following her ascension to the crown as the first Miss Marshall Islands last Saturday at the International Conference Center. President Hilda Heine did the historic crowning in what looked like a completely transformed ICC with a stage equipped with modern […]
By Journal on August 24, 2018
internet, National Telecommunications Authority, NTA, Tony Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 8/28/1981 P1 Fire! The government’s main administration building burned to the ground before dawn August 24. The 35-year-old US Navy built quonset housed the Chief Secretary, the Attorney General, the Auditor General, Finance, Immigration, Social Security, Revenue and the Marshall Islands Credit Union. Two nearby government warehouses were also destroyed in the fire. “We […]
By Journal on January 12, 2017
bandwidth, DSL, internet, Jr., NTA, satellite, submarine cable, Tommy Kijiner
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Just days after submarine cable repair crew provided a January 7 target date for completion of work last week Wednesday, the date was delayed again — to January 18 — when the search for the damage spot took longer than anticipated. As a result of more delays in getting the cable back into […]
By Journal on January 5, 2017
Compact of Free Association, Hilda Heine, MISSA Act, Nitijela, NTA, Uliga Dock
News Archive

NTA is scheduled to launch 4G mobile service in 10 days, the government is negotiating to buy a new field trip ship, and new air service options for Marshall Islands residents were among points highlighted by President Hilda Heine in her state of the nation speech at the opening of the Nitijela session Tuesday. Among […]