By Journal on May 26, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Amenta Matthew, Arno, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Brenda ALik, Ebeye, Ebon, Hilda Heine, Hirata Kabua, Jennifer Hawley, Kitlang Kabua., Kora Fund, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Leilani Kemem, Majuro, Marie Maddison, Mars Wang, Mathilda Johnson, Mejit, Mike Kabua, Molly Helkena, Mon LaMike, Monique Graham, Tsai Ing-wen, Ujae, Wotje
News Archive

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]
By Journal on July 19, 2019
Billma Peter, Daisy Alik Momotaro, Dennis Momotaro, Hilda Heine, Mejit, Miss Marshall Islands, NTA, Ramona Levy-Strauss
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA Billma Peter became the most popular 22-year old bachelorette in the Marshall Islands following her ascension to the crown as the first Miss Marshall Islands last Saturday at the International Conference Center. President Hilda Heine did the historic crowning in what looked like a completely transformed ICC with a stage equipped with modern […]
By Journal on October 4, 2018
Ailinglaplap, Airine Keju, Alson Kelen, Ebon, Elisana Emos, jaki-ed, Jawin Jerilong, Jennifer Hawley, K&K Island Pride, Mejit, Molly Helkena, Susan Jeita, Susanta Jieta, University of the South Pacific, USP, Waan Aelon in Majel, weavers, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

The University of the South Pacific Majuro Campus launched 50th anniversary celebrations Tuesday with a gala graduation event that recognized 33 graduates of various programs. Minister of Education Wilbur Heine hosted a dinner immediately following.
By Journal on May 11, 2018
Jon Beavers, Kwajalein Liaison Officer, Mejit, rocket, rocket debris
Back In The Day

Journal 5/9/1970 P1 April weather 2.87 inches of rain — Least since initial record started, 1955. P1 Rocket debris falls on Mejit Reports circulating about Maujro concerning parts of a missile falling in and around Mejit Island have been verified. The people of Mejit reported seeing a bright flash of light during the night night […]
By Journal on February 23, 2018
big waves, Mejit, Oscar deBrum, Utrik
Back In The Day

Journal 2/20/1981 P1 Wave threat subsides Fear of another ‘big wave’ like the ones that hit the DUD area of Majuro in 1979 swept over the Marshalls starting Saturday February 14. Sunday February 15 waves of about 12 feet hit Utrik and Mejit inflicting minimal damage as residents of Majuro and other atolls made preparations […]
By Journal on December 14, 2017
Aileen Sefeti, Ailinglaplap, Althea Bing, Arno, Banitha Jesse, Bishop Museum, Elisana Motdrik Paul, Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, Jaluit, Jennifer Hawley, Jusinta Jieta, Maria Kabua Fowler, MaryLou Foley, Mejit, Mela Kattil, Moje Kelen, Mona Levy-Strauss, Namu, Queensland Art Gallery, Smithsonian Museum, Susan Jieta, Thelma Murphy, USP
News Archive

Marshallese weavers of jaki-ed (clothing mats) will be showing their fine art around the world next year, with a demonstration being held at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC and a display of the mats at Australia’s Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane. These exciting events were announced by long-time friend of the Marshall Islands, MaryLou […]
By Journal on July 28, 2017
Ailinglaplap, campaign, Dennis Momotaro, Election, Jiba Kabua, Mejit, Namdrik, roniluial, Ruben Zackhras, Tony deBrum
Back In The Day

Journal 8/1/1975 P1 The Chinese affair Last month a friendship began between the world’s smallest micro-state and the world’s largest nation. Hans Wiliander, a tall, soft-spoken Micronesian from the island of Tol, Truk Lagoon, stepped down from an airplane in Peking, China for a 20-day visit. His trip was the result of a meeting with […]
By Journal on June 30, 2016
Ailuk, Angela Saunders, Aur, Carlson Island, donation, Ebadon, food, IOM, islands, Kwajalein, Likiep, Maloelap, Mejit, USAID, Wotho, Wotje
News Archive

Distribution of drought emergency supplemental food to the outer islands starts this week, with the MV Kwajalein being loaded at Uliga Dock for a Thursday departure to 10 atolls and two single islands. A total of 4,747 people living on remote islands will receive supplemental food supplies paid for by the US Agency for International […]