By Journal on December 15, 2023
1857, Assembly of God, Congregational missionaries, Ebeye, Ebon, Full Gospel, Gospel Day, Morning Star vessel, Parades, Rita to Laura, Salvation Army, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL Gospel Day, one of the Marshall Islands’ most important holidays, was celebrated in the streets with a parade earlier this month. It honors the introduction of Christianity with the arrival of Congregational missionaries aboard the Morning Star vessel in 1857 on Ebon. Throughout the day, a large number of participants from well-known Christian […]
By Journal on May 26, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Amenta Matthew, Arno, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Brenda ALik, Ebeye, Ebon, Hilda Heine, Hirata Kabua, Jennifer Hawley, Kitlang Kabua., Kora Fund, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Leilani Kemem, Majuro, Marie Maddison, Mars Wang, Mathilda Johnson, Mejit, Mike Kabua, Molly Helkena, Mon LaMike, Monique Graham, Tsai Ing-wen, Ujae, Wotje
News Archive

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]
By Journal on September 2, 2021
Arno, Aur, Bowditch Jiji Mimi Kabua, Daniel Andrews, Ebon, Hesa Kaious, ICC, Jaluit, Mayor Election, Namu, Waikiki Lakmis, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

Although postal absentee ballots will not be counted until Monday September 6, Namu mayoral candidate Bowditch Jiji Mimi Kabua’s lead over incumbent Acting Mayors Waikiki Lakmis virtually ensures that he will be Namu’s new mayor. The still unofficial vote count for all domestic ballots shows Kabua with 505 votes to Lakmis’ 372. According to Acting […]
By Journal on October 4, 2018
Ailinglaplap, Airine Keju, Alson Kelen, Ebon, Elisana Emos, jaki-ed, Jawin Jerilong, Jennifer Hawley, K&K Island Pride, Mejit, Molly Helkena, Susan Jeita, Susanta Jieta, University of the South Pacific, USP, Waan Aelon in Majel, weavers, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

The University of the South Pacific Majuro Campus launched 50th anniversary celebrations Tuesday with a gala graduation event that recognized 33 graduates of various programs. Minister of Education Wilbur Heine hosted a dinner immediately following.
By Journal on November 10, 2017
Christmas, Ebon, Inedrel
Back In The Day

Journal 11/14/1975 P1 Unity can survive “There is no such thing as disunity in Micronesia.” With these words, Micronesian Constitutional Convention delegates Luke Tman of Yap told Micronesian university students in Hawaii during a radio interview that amor issues facing the constitutional convention would be resolved this week. P7 About preservation by Mary Browning “One […]