Majuro’s festive day

Majuro Atoll Local Government police honor guard led the march into the Jenrok. Track and field facility March 17 to start the final rounds of sports competitions. Photo: Chewy Lin.


For the 79th Majuro Day last Friday and Saturday, the playing ground for the upcoming Micronesian Games was opened to the public for the second time. “There have been many changes throughout the year in how we practice and celebrate Majuro Atoll’s Liberation Day,” said Mayor Ladie Jack during the closing ceremony. “But the tradition remains — to honor our forefathers and pay them respect.”

The ceremony kicked off with a march led by the police honor guard of Majuro Atoll Local Government (MALGov) followed by 13 schools, both public and private. The parade went from Marshall Islands High School in Utrikan to Demon Town backroad.

Pastor Bryan Lejjena of the Jenrok Assembly of God delivered the invocation. Irooj Kilom Ishiguro delivered the welcoming remarks on behalf of his mother Lerooj Tokabar Ishiguro.

President David Kabua called for unity in his address to the nation. “Let’s hold hands and stand together to construct a better future (for) our children and grandchildren who are the future of the nation,” he said. “We need to endow the next generation with a government that is more prosperous than the one we inherited (today).”

In his remarks on behalf of the Majuro Nitijela delegation, Minister of Finance Brenson Wase informed the multitude that the grandstand, facilities, track and field, baseball field, basketball court, dispensaries, and other elements of the playing field totaled more than $9 million in construction costs.

“We should not rush the construction process (of every facility) to promote the workmanship of our workers – the work has to be diligent,” he said in an indirect explanation about the postponement of the Micronesia Games. “When we have visitors from outside they should see that our facilities are quality.”

He admitted that not all the facilities are ready. Minister Wase said that the Micro Games Committee briefed President Kabua and members of Cabinet on the need to delay the event to complete the facilities.

Providing the entertainment of the day were jeptas KIJLE and Lerooj Tokabar’s dancing group. Reverend Lawson Matauto of Kwajalein United Church of Christ offered the closing prayer.


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