Marshallese be like in ’05

Journal 10/26/1982

P1 KAC says good news from Washington “We are very pleased to be home,” said Kwajalein Atoll Corporation  Chairman Ataji Balos and KAC President Imada Kabua in a statement. “The news we bring with us, we believe, is good. For the past three weeks we have been in Washington, DC in meetings with top officials of the US Department of Defense, as well as President Amata Kabua and Attorney General Carl Ingram. “It was a major achievement for KAC to have our officers and directors, as well as our legal counsel, present for these meetings and to be finally recognized by both our government  and that of the United States as having a valid right to participate in land use agreements concerning Kwajalein.”

Journal 11/4/1994

P1 Wake: Give it back President Amata Kabua will tell the United States government next week that the government wants the return of Enenkio (Wake) Island to the Marshall Isalnds. The return of Wake is the top agenda item for the Marshalls going into next Wednesday’s Joint Committee Meeting in Honolulu, the annual Marshall Islands-US meeting at which defense-related issues are negotiated.

P4 PSC gets ADB support Asian Development Bank officials in Majuro praised the Marshall Islands government’s plan to reduce the public service and cut back salary levels as part of streamlining the government. “It makes us more optimistic about the future because the government is willing to take steps (to decrease its costs),” said ADB program officer David Sobel. “That’s why ADB is willing to put in a relatively large amount of loans and technical assistance grants. The government is sending the right message to us.”

P10 WAC’s ready for Christmas The annual Women’s Athletic Club fundraiser for children’s Christmas donations at Majuro hospital was held this past Saturday evening and by all accounts was a stunning success. An estimated 700 people attend the annual affair this year. There was no shortage of praise for the fabulous food and the crowd was incited to feverish dancing by the popular Bwil im Molo band. The event included dance and costume contests.

P15 Big month Pacific Marshalls Inc.’s board of directors will hold its annual meeting in Majuro for the first time to coincide with 10th anniversary celebrations for Gibson’s. Besides the board meeting, a busy month of other activities will be featured for the anniversary.

Journal 10/28/2005

P1 Rice crisis Cocaine may be easier to buy in Majuro than rice — at last until the next shipment of rice in early November. While virtually all Majuro stores range out of rice at the weekend, outer islands have been out of rice for weeks.

P3 RMI takes boat, boat sinks, we get oil slick A longline fishing vessel that has been fined twice for leaking fuel in Majuro’s lagoon sank last weekend, spewing diesel and bilge oil into Majuro’s lagoon. Fishermen and picnickers reported seeing a huge fuel slick near Enemanit Island on Sunday. The Morisu No. 11 sank Saturday. It is one of three fishing vessels that have been sitting in Majuro’s lagoon for over a year after they were confiscated by the government for not having a fishing license.

P14 You know you’re Marshallese if… You begin salivating at the sight of a freshly opened can of Three Diamonds tuna; the minute you light up a cigarette, three guys get in line to take their puffs on your smoke; you’re getting a beating and  your parents ask, “Why you cry for?”; all cereals are called ‘Gorn Blake’; your cabinet is stocked full of ramen and corned beef.

P39 Jaluit thanks BOMI We wish to express our profound gratitude to the Bank of Marshall Islands for its contribution and support to the Jaluit Atoll Conservation Area’s eco-tourism project by providing five new bicycles for tourists visiting the atoll.

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