Two Japan volunteers have created an “app” that puts the Marshallese-English dictionary literally at the fingertips of anyone who has a computer, tablet or smart phone.
Japan International Cooperation Volunteers Tadashi Takaya, who is departing CMI later this month after two years in the IT department, and Taro Ogura, who recently returned to Japan after working at Kwajalein Atoll High School, produced the new application for Apple and android devices, respectively.
“Once it is downloaded to a person’s device, they can use it without access to the Internet,” said Takaya. He said it is perfect for outer island teachers.
They can download the appropriate app while in Majuro or Ebeye for the summer, then use it in their outer islands even without Internet.
The dictionary includes definition, phonetic pronunciation of words, and examples of usage in sentences. There is no cost for the Marshallese-English dictionary app.
The app for Apple is available at: http://bit.ly/medaA1 and the app for android devices is http://bit.ly/medaA2
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