Martin’s marketing focus

Front pages from 1982, 1991 and 2011.

Journal 1/8/1982

P1 Small waves hit
Some houses were flooded Friday by waves similar but smaller than those of 1979. A few pig pens and wooden structures were swept away in all the old areas such as Enenedrik and the north end of Uliga. Water entered some US-funded Individual and Family Grant (IFG) houses in Enenedrik, but they were otherwise undamaged. Higher tides are predicted for tomorrow and Sunday and some families are fleeing again.

P1 $3 million in latest Kwaj payment
The Kwajalein Atoll Corporation has started dividing up a $3 million payment negotiated just before Christmas as a payment on the 1981-82 interim use agreement for Kwajalein Atoll, according to Senator Imada Kabua, KAC president. According to the initiated draft of the interim use agreement, total payments will be $9 million in 1981-82.

P3 Fuel, handicraft and judiciary bother senators
The judicial system, kerosene and handicrafts were the main items raised at Nitijela Friday. Senator Beaja Peter (Aur) complained that Militobi’s recent visit to Aur, Maloelap and Wotje didn’t take enough kerosene and as a result, people of these atolls are all in the dark. Newly elected Senator Charles Domnick (Maloelap) wants to see more incentive taken by the government in selling and promoting Marshalls handicraft to such places as Honolulu. Senator Evelyn Konou (Jaluit) said she wants to see the judicial system completed just like the legislative and executive branches. A Supreme Court is needed to resolve (an) issue but the Chief Justice has yet to be appointed.

P8 Floating bar needs environmental permit
Work on the Eastern Gateway Hotel floating bar has been stopped by the Trust Territory Environmental Protection Board pending completion and approval of a permit. Nauru officials said they expect the permits to be worked out quickly.

Journal 1/18/1991

P18 Impounded
Starting this year, the Department of Public Safety has impounded every government vehicle that is not painted white and sporting the government seal. In the last two weeks, police have impounded six government cars. They didn’t comply with the Cabinet policy that every government vehicle should be painted white and have a government seal.

Journal 1/14/2011

P3 Martin’s marketing ‘pristine and privacy’
A new resort — and the first foreign investment in tourism in the outer islands of the RMI — expects to open for business in 2012. A small, high-end resort is slated to be built on Beran Island in Ailinglaplap, said water sports tourism entrepreneur Martin Daly. An architect has already visited the island to map out the plan for an initial set of five two-unit bungalows that will be built on the island. Daly, who operates a fleet of live-aboard vessels that are used largely to transport surfers to remote locations in Indonesia and here, first visited the Marshall Islands in 2007, touring many islands to identify potential surfing spots. The northwestern section of Ailinglaplap Atoll caught his attention, and is now the focus of the small but — for the Marshall Islands — significant outer island tourism development.


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