MIHS gym opening celebrated

Students from Rita Elementary School celebrated the opening of the Marshall Islands High School gym with a song and dance performance. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


After more than two years of closure and no sign of redemption, Marshall Islands High School’s (MIHS) newly renovated gymnasium was finally re-opened during a blessing ceremony late last month at the school compound. The school gymnasium has been a landmark for memorable basketball games, iconic teams, and numerous graduations since MIHS’ founding in 1963.

However slowly over the past few years, the beauty of the gym deteriorated as a result of human activities including graffiti, dumping of plastic and other waste, and lack of management.

The sports facility was painted with light lush colors, fenced with barbed wire, two bathrooms installed, and two basketball backboards are in place.

Minister of Education Kitlang Kabua spoke to those in attendance at the blessing ceremony, which included RMI Public School System officials, school administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and especially the students who are going the use facility — MIHS, Majuro Middle School, and Rita Elementary School — for their graduation and promotion programs.

She emphasized the importance of maintaining the gym in proper shape while playing sports or any extracurricular activities and preparing athletes for the upcoming Micronesian Games in 2023. “Please receive this gym as a gift from me and Commissioner Kanchi Hosia to you (students),” she said.
Majuro Local Government Rita Councilman Ronnie Lakabung spoke on behalf of Mayor Ladie Jack saying the council is ready to help in any way to improve recreational activities in Majuro. MMS Vice-Principal Joana Anuntak spoke on behalf of her colleague MMS Principal Alvin Simon who was unable to attend gave a word of thanks on behalf of the administrations from the three schools. She said they will heed the words of Minister Kabua and take care of the gym for all students for recreational purposes.

Following her comments, Reverend Jeledrik Binejal offered a prayer of blessing. To highlight this important occasion students and teachers graced the gym’s floor with dance performances.


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