Journal 10/31/1986
P1 Waste dump for Erikub?
An agreement was initialed last month that would make Erikub Atoll a storage and treatment center for hazardous industrial waste from the United States. On September 27, Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing and Western Pacific Waste Repositories Inc. President Dennis Capalia initiatled a document which would lease Erikub to the Nevada-based company for 100 years in exchange for money and development on Wotje Atoll. If approved, the company is to pay $50,000 this month and about $500,000 a year for the right to store industrial waste byproducts which the draft agreement itself calls “hazardous wastes.” Erikub is an uninhabited atoll less than 10 miles from Wotje.
P20 Student paper hits Majuro
There is no shortage of news in the capital with more than one newspaper keeping the citizenry abreast of current events. Marshall Islands High School has just come out with its first issue of the year. Nicely written and designed, the high school paper compares the stylish new cafeteria with the 33-year-old wooden cafeteria which will be put in mothballs soon. It is edited by Almoana Takju and Ken Heine. Business managers are Karen Karben and Yolanda Lelet. Staff reporters are Lapaun Langinbelik, Rantly Kattil, Camilla Lanki, Jeannety Gideon, Joanne Alex and Lorna Bien. Teacher Troy Barker is adviser.
Journal 10/30/1998
P1 Businesses need RMI backing, outward view
The Marshall Islands government needs to do much more to encourage private sector development in the country, said two Marshall Islands representatives who attended a conference on Maui earlier this month that brought public and private sector officials together to look at how they could cooperate to develop island economies. Ramsey Reimers, chief executive officer of RRE, and Ben Graham, general manager of the Marshall Islands Visitors authority, said they were impressed with a wide range of innovative business development and government reform efforts in the Federated States of Micronesia and in countries in the South Pacific, which were reported on during the conference. The Marshall Islands one of the few countries in the region without a government-supported “entrepreneur center.”
P8 The MIMRA sickness
We want the government to get sick. Real sick. So sick, in fact, that people all around the Pacific tsk tsk and wonder out loud: “What’s happening in the Marshalls? Has there been a revolution? They were never like this before.” The disease of choice is the so-called “MIMRA” disease, a sickness that causes government officials to waive bureaucratic horse doo-doo and onerous superficial fees in favor of low rates and a welcoming attitude that frankly startles fishing vessel owners and operators alike. If we are not careful, we may soon find the roads of Majuro even more crowded than usual, crowding caused by visiting crew members enjoying an evening layabout on our sultry, tropical shores. We may find ourselves delayed in stores as ships agents bother store cashiers with shopping carts full of ship’s provisions. We may find our bar owners scratching their heads to keep up a fresh supply of ice to cool the increased number of drinks being ordered, and restaurants crowded with new signs like, “please wait to be seated.” Yeah. The MIMRA disease. How do you cure it? Answer is you don’t. You pray it gets worse.
Journal 10-30-2009
P1 Our new boss
Following four days of intense negotiations among various faction of Nitijela members, a grouping that includes many UDP Senators and former President Tomeing banded together to elect new President Jurelang Zedkaia and Speaker Alvin Jacklick Monday.