Namdrik race moves along

Almitha Clement McKay represented Namdrik candidate Tawe Clement during the official drawing for the Namdrik Mayor with Chief Electoral Official Ben Kiluwe and Ruth Misko Graham at the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs. Photo: Hilary Hosia.


The race to determine the next mayor for Namdrik Atoll is formally underway following an official draw at the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs Tuesday.

The Namdrik Special Election for the mayor seat is scheduled to take place on April 25 this year, timed to coincide with the vote on long-pending proposed constitutional amendments. The new mayor will be replace the late Mayor Clarence Luther, who passed away last year.

There are seven candidates vying for the mayoral seat, of which one resides in the US, one on Namdrik and the rest on Majuro — their fate will be decided by 2,029 registered Namdrik voters.

The drawing was live-streamed at V7AB Radio Station by Lisa Muller. The draw — known in Marshallese as kubwe in kijdrik — determined the number assigned to each of the seven candidates for the election ballot.

The following candidates from Majuro are: Mika Luther, Neti Nathan, Emlina Kaious, Elson Helkena and Johniston Jetnil. Candidate Losie Jitiam Jr. resides in Namdrik while Tawe Clement resides in Hawaii.


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