By Journal on January 18, 2024
Bremity Lakjohn, Clarence Luther, Francyne Wase-Jacklick, Iva Reimers Roberto, Japan Embassy, Jefferson Barton, Junior Patrick, Moriana Phillip, Namdrik, Tanaka Kazunari, Thomas Heine, Wisely Zackhras
News Archive

EVE BURNS Japan Embassy kick started the year with many completed projects and more on the way. Ambassador Tanaka Kazunari handed over four boats to Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) General Manager Moriana Phillip last Thursday. The boats are 37 feet long. Witnessing the ceremony were Minister in Assistance to the President Bremity Lakjohn, Auditor General […]
By Journal on January 21, 2022
Clarence Luther, Delap Park, Geovannie Johnson, Namdrik Atoll., Roxanne Cabral, solar-powered energy network, US Department of Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs Technical Assistance Program, US Embassy, Wisely Zackhras
News Archive

Representatives of Namdrik joined in a soft handover ceremony with the US Embassy for a container-full of solar units.Among those present was Namdrik Nitijela Member Wisely Zackhras and Mayor Clarence Luther. Luther presented US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral with two beautiful jakis (mats) during the program in thanks for the US government funding that supported purchase […]
By Journal on July 2, 2020
Clarence Luther, Japan Embassy, Jemi Nashion, Lerooj Kikiko Kabua Hiram, Mariko Senda, Namdrik Atoll Local Government, Norio Saito, Wisely Zackhras
News Archive

A VIP team joined Namdrik Atoll for a celebration of the Japan-funded water cistern project at Namdrik Elementary School last week. The project amounting to $89,898 was funded through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP) through the Japan Embassy in Majuro. The ceremony was witnessed by Minister of Culture and Internal Affairs […]
By Journal on May 22, 2020
Clarence Luther, Florence Edwards, Glen Joseph, Laurence Edwards II, MIMRA, Namdrik Atoll, Sandy Alfred, Saturnino Acibo, Wisely Zackhras
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority and Namdrik Atoll Local Government signed a one-year agreement for MIMRA to fund technical support for projects in Namdrik as a recipient of the Reimaanlok (Looking to the Future) conservation management process. The projects include support for reviving the pearl farm in Namdrik and other activities related to marine […]
By Journal on August 10, 2017
Apii McLeod, Clarence Luther, Gerald Zackios, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Jurelang Zedkaia, Kessai Note, Litokwa Tomeing, Mattlan Zackhras, Namdrik, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Rothie Zackhras, Ruben Zackhras, Tamara Greenstone Alefaio, tobolar, Tony deBrum
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON Mattlan Zackhras, a four-term member of Nitijela who was a key figure in successful grassroots community development on Namdrik Atoll and who the past two years has been outspoken globally on the need for climate action, died this week in Taipei. Zackhras, 47, who has represented Namdrik Atoll in Nitijela since January 2004, […]
By Journal on August 3, 2017
Baldwin Robert, Clarence Luther, Evelyn Joseph, German trader, Glen Joseph, Hermon Lajar, Mwokil, Nahnmwarki, Namdrik, Patsy Hermon, Pohnpei, Sophia, Tiem Robert
News Archive

A long time ago, a German trader and a Marshallese woman had a daughter named Sophia. She was known for flawless complexion and beauty. One day, Sophia accompanied her father on a business voyage to Mwoakil, an outer island in Pohnpei. There, the then Nahnmwarki (high chief) caught sight of the girl. Story has it […]