By Journal on October 21, 2021
177 Health Care Program, Anela Hernandez, Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Tea Party, Brek Batley, Cancer Society, Eve Burns, FAMI Chorale, Francyne Wase-Jacklick, Hilda Heine, Holden Nena, Human Services at the Ministry of Health and Human Services, Jack Niedenthal, Jeffrey Hsaio, Lania Kaiko, Mariah Carey, Marie Milne, Maryia deBrum, Norio Saito, Pink Month, Roxanne Cabral, WUTMI
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EVE BURNS To say last Thursday’s Pink Tea Party was a success is to be guilty of a gross understatement. The fourth annual Pink Tea Party was a spectacular event organized by the Ministry of Health and Human Services’ National Cancer Prevention Program, Marshall Islands Breast Cancer Society, Cancer Support Group and Women United Together […]
By Journal on September 9, 2021
Absalom Edwards, Boklong Zackios, Bruce Bilimon, Casten Nemara, Eve Burns, Glen Joseph, Handover Ceremony, Japan Grant Aid, MIMRA, Norio Saito, Xavier Myazoe
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EVE BURNS As part of the Japan Grant Aid for economic and social development, the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) received from Japan Embassy a forklift, four cargo trucks, a crane truck, 11 boats and other fishery equipment such as scales, fish cutters, vacuum packers, a multi wrapper, and 78 coolers. Joining the handover […]
By Journal on August 12, 2021
David Robert, Grassroots Grants, Kenchi Hosia, Lanta Elbon, Norio Saito
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Japan Ambassador Norio Saito handed over the keys to three new school buses to Public School System Commissioner Kanchi Hosia last Friday at Delap Elementary School. The school buses are donations funded through Japan’s Grassroots Human Security Grants Program for Laura Elementary School, Rairok Rainbow Elementary School and DES. Saito highlighted Japan’s contribution to RMI […]
By Journal on June 10, 2021
Bruce Bilimon, David Kabua, Eve Burns, Glen Joseph, Jiba Kabua, Norio Saito, Palukne Johnny, Sandy Alfred
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Japan Ambassador Norio Saito handed over 18 boats and a radio communication system to Natural Resources and Commerce Minister Sandy Alfred in a ceremony at Uliga Dock May 25. The ceremony was witnessed by President David Kabua, Reverend Palukne Johnny, President of United Church of Christ, Minister of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities Jiba Kabua, Minister […]
By Journal on February 26, 2021
Casten Nemra, Chewy Lin, David Kabua, Japan's Emperor 61st, Kotak Loeak, Norio Saito
Feature Articles

A big crowd led by President David Kabua turned out to celebrate the 61st birthday of Japan’s Emperor Naruhito Tuesday night at Marshall Islands Resort with Japan Ambassador Norio Saito and Japan Embassy staff. Lively singing and dancing, speeches, toasts, and ceremonial breaking of a sake drum were part of the festive evening.
By Journal on January 7, 2021
David Kabua, Eve Burns, Giff Johnson, Jeffrey Hsiao, Kenneth Kedi, Mazie Hirono, Norio Saito, Palukne Johnny, Roxanne Cabral
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GIFF JOHNSON President David Kabua delivered a state of the nation address at Monday’s Nitijela opening ceremony, issuing a straightforward call for improvements in many areas of government operations.As is customary with ceremonial openings that do not involve the drama of an election, the chamber gallery evidenced many empty seats, save for the church singing […]
By Journal on July 2, 2020
Clarence Luther, Japan Embassy, Jemi Nashion, Lerooj Kikiko Kabua Hiram, Mariko Senda, Namdrik Atoll Local Government, Norio Saito, Wisely Zackhras
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A VIP team joined Namdrik Atoll for a celebration of the Japan-funded water cistern project at Namdrik Elementary School last week. The project amounting to $89,898 was funded through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP) through the Japan Embassy in Majuro. The ceremony was witnessed by Minister of Culture and Internal Affairs […]
By Journal on April 30, 2020
Assumption Schools, Hilary Hosia, Japan Embassy, Kanchi Hosia, Kayo Yamaguchi-Kotton, McAulif Hall, Norio Saito, Tatieru Ewenteang, Victoria Langidrik
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HILARY HOSIA“I hope the bus will bring students to school on Japanese time — which is before the bell rings,” Japan Ambassador to Marshall Islands Norio Saito said during a handover ceremony of a new school bus at Assumption School Tuesday. “I promise to teach our students Japanese time,” Assumption Principal Victoria Langidrik later said […]
By Journal on February 28, 2019
Daishiro Taniguchi, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Kelly Lorennij, Norio Saito, Public School System
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KELLY LORENNIJ “I am from Japan, but the Marshall Islands is my second home,” Daishiro Taniguchi told the Journal before his departure for Japan last week. Taniguchi taught secondary math for two years as a Japan International Cooperation Agency volunteer, and returned to work as a math specialist for the Public School System at the […]
By Journal on January 24, 2019
Hilda Heine, Japan-RMI, JICA, Kentaro Sonoura, Norio Saito
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A bilateral meeting was held last Thursday with President Hilda Heine and members of Cabinet with the Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Japan Kentaro Sonoura. Ambassador of Japan Norio Saito led Sonoura and his delegation to the Cabinet conference room.