Nitijela honors Enewetak ‘veterans’

In this 1979 file photo, American servicemen construct a section of what is now known as the Runit Dome at Enewetak Atoll. It contains many thousands of tons of radioactive materials covered with concrete. Photo: US Defense Nuclear Agency.

Before adjourning last month, Nitijela adopted 11 resolutions, including honoring the Americans who worked on the nuclear test cleanup at Enewetak.
These include:

• Resolution 15, Radiological Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll, 1977-1980, recognizing the American military and civilian workers who participated in the cleanup.

• Resolution 16, Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters.

• Resolution 17, Marshall Islands High School Dormitory proclaiming it Nidel Lorak Hall in honor of the long-time Arno Member of Nitijela.

• Resolution 18, Accession to the International Solar Alliance Framework Agreement.

• Resolution 19, Recognizing Micronesian Legal Services Corporation on its 50th anniversary.

• Resolution 20, Condolences to the late former President of Taiwan Lee Teng-hui.

• Resolution 21, approving a short-stay Visa Waiver Agreement between the European Union and the RMI.

• Resolution 22, marking the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan and conveying deep sympathies to Japan.

• Resolution 24, Appreciation to Taiwan for its staunch support of the RMI and calling on the United Nations to include Taiwan in the UN system.

• Resolution 25, Condolences to the late Irooj and former President Litokwa Tomeing.

• Resolution 26, Condolences to the late Irooj and former Nitijela Member Mamoru Kabua.


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