The Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce and the local non-profit organization RMI Love Animals have re-signed a Memorandum of Agreement to continue the partnership between the organization and the ministry. This includes a significant contribution of $30,000 for vet-related needs.
RMI Love Animals’ advisor Prue Palmer told the Journal that “under the MoA, RMI Love Animals will liaise with international vet teams and related experts about sustainable animal population management and coordinate visits to RMI.
“In return, MNRC will allow the visiting vets to use their surgical tables and the autoclave machine, which the US Army donated.”
Prue added that MNRC will also support the Majuro SNIP program (Spay Neuter Island Pets) by allowing RMI Love Animals to borrow a truck and MNRC employees to assist the program. “This is an essential part of our program because it helps the vets liaise with local communities and it helps households to transport animals to and from the vet clinics,” she said.
The veterinarian teams that come to Majuro take care of individually-owned pets, community animals and unowned free-roaming animals.
RMI Love Animals greatly appreciates MNRCs contribution of $30,000. “This will go towards animal vaccines, parasite treatment and medications that uplift the health of the animals. This is important, because healthier animals means healthier human communities.”