An impressive array of works of art were on display at Marshall Islands Resort last week as part of the week of activities leading up to Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day last Friday.
The Nuclear Arts show was organized by the youth organization Jo-Jikum. It featured multiple paintings and poems by young people, as well as photo displays, master weaver Susan Jieta’s specially designed woven bedspread and pillows. Her concept behind the presentation was providing a space of solace and rest for nuclear victims wearied from their struggle for nuclear justice. It is a unique intersection of island art and cultural norms with the nuclear weapons test legacy.
The Waan Aelon in Majel. built a model canoe using a stick chart and traditional sail weaving.
President Hilda Heine and other VIPs visited the exhibition Friday after the official opening of the 70th anniversary of the Bravo test at the College of the Marshall Islands on March 1.