March 1

Voice of forgotten fishermen

Voice of forgotten fishermen

GIFF JOHNSON Setsuko Shimomoto is an unusual advocate for a little known nuclear exposure problem. She didn’t discover that her father had been exposed to Bravo hydrogen bomb test fallout while fishing in the waters of the Marshall Islands until over 30 years after the 1954 Bravo test, and then only because a high school […]

Nuclear art impresses

Nuclear art impresses

An impressive array of works of art were on display at Marshall Islands Resort last week as part of the week of activities leading up to Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day last Friday. The Nuclear Arts show was organized by the youth organization Jo-Jikum. It featured multiple paintings and poems by young people, as well as […]

Bravo survivor Nerje dies at 74

Bravo survivor Nerje dies at 74

EVE BURNS Nerje Joseph, 74, who died recently at Majuro hospital, was one of a dwindling number of Rongelap Islanders who were on Rongelap or Ailinginae on March 1, 1954 when the US government detonated the Bravo hydrogen bomb at Bikini. Bravo spewed a snowstorm of radioactive fallout on Nerje and the other 85 people […]