Dazzling performances at ‘open mic’

Jo-Jikum Director Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, third from left, with some of the talented young people who joined the open mic session April 30 at the College of the Marshall Islands. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


Jo-Jikum did it once again by pulling off a spectacular open mic session that featured many awe-inspiring performances and displays inside of the old library at the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) last Friday.

People of all ages took the mic and stole the show with their diverse talents including poetry, arts and music. Jo-Jikum Director Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner kicked off the with her classic poem “Tell Them,” followed by former Okeanos Director Dustin Langidrik reciting a legendary chant of the Marshallese people.

Extraordinary music talent was on display by Tony Kabua, Jobod Silk, Timothy Kabua, and the CMI band rocked their hearts out with melodious music. Poet geniuses Katherene Henus, Oronia M. Kinono, and Melina Riklon dazzled the audience with their readings.

Then there was lavishing art work from Debby Schutz’s painting and Tanmayee Tanu plastic creativity. Not to mention a highlight with a singing duet that was absolutely phenomenal from visionary painter Aravapo Leo and Tanmayee Tanu. Overall open mic proved to be another success in showcasing local talents to the public.


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