By Journal on September 26, 2024
Andrew Garrod, I Talk of Dreams, Jobod Silk, Selina Leem, Tony Dujmovic, Wilmer Joel, Yolanie Jurelang, Youth Bridge Global
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GIFF JOHNSON Four Marshallese young people are featured in a new book published last month. I Talk of Dreams is the latest book of Dartmouth Professor Emeritus Andrew Garrod, who after 20 years of directing theater productions in Majuro needs little introduction. The book features a collection of articles by people whose lives he has […]
By Journal on August 4, 2022
Aravapo Leo, Barab Edwards, Bianca Bolasina, Brek Batley, Chewy Lin, Debby Schutz, filmmaking, Jack Niedenthal, Jeremiah Knight, Jo-Jikum’s Climate and Health Art Seminar, Jobod Silk, Jollia Peter, Kathy Jetnil Kijiner, Laddik in Alwal, local talent, Lyonel Myazoe, Marshall Islands Resort Melele Room, poetry, rt, songwriting, Susan Jeita, weaving, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Jo-Jikum’s Climate and Health Art Seminar showcase once again shook us to our core as we witnessed 37 of our youth unleashing their talents through art, weaving, poetry, filmmaking, and songwriting at the Marshall Islands Resort Melele Room last Friday. The results presented during Friday’s showcase developed from the three-week training that provided […]
By Journal on March 10, 2022
103.5, Ariana Tibon, Chewy Lin, Daniel Kramer, DJ Pat, DJ Yastamon, Goodwind Silk, Haruka Saito, Jobod Silk, Jonathen Defan, Karmelo Kabua, Kioyoshi Tadashi, National Nuclear Commission, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, Pijja Matutato, The Declassified File, Tristen Horiuchi, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Stars were born during the first-ever theatrical play on the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy, a new approach to get the public’s attention and commemorate the March 1 Bravo test anniversary. “The Declassified File” was a National Nuclear Commission and Jo-Jikum production involving primary and secondary school casts and crews. The play was based […]
By Journal on February 10, 2022
Ariana Tibon, College of the Marshall Islands, Jobod Silk, Mary Silk, National Nuclear Commission, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, The Declassified File, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL After two years of no theatrical plays by the Youth Bridge Global’s mastermind and director Professor Andrew Garrod due to the ongoing pandemic as well as a ban on incoming international visitors, the Nuclear National Commission (NNC) is filling this void.The NNC is creating a new play using many of Garrod’s old cast […]
By Journal on July 22, 2021
Alatera Martin, Cassandra Donato, Chewy Lin, Dantyann Tartious, Dayne Laiky Jacklick, Diaz Love, Digital Film Workshop, filmmakers, Goodwind Silk, Helmina Joel, Jewan Jamore, Jo-Jikum, Jobod Silk, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Kattil Kendall, Neina Wilson, Rosenet Timus, Ryan Dominick, Samara Ruhang Sun, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL After completing two weeks of a Digital Film Workshop conducted by Chewy Lin and Kattil Kendall alongside the supervision of Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Jobod Silk, and Rosenet Timius, Jo-Jikum held a film presentation for the public that showed the film efforts of those involved in the workshop. Four newly created films were shown during […]
By Journal on May 6, 2021
College of the Marshall Islands, Dustin Langidrik, Jo-Jikum, Jobod Silk, Katherene Henus, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Melina Riklon, National Climate Change Week, Open Mic, Oronia M. Kinono, Timothy kabua, Tony Kabua
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WILMER JOEL Jo-Jikum did it once again by pulling off a spectacular open mic session that featured many awe-inspiring performances and displays inside of the old library at the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) last Friday. People of all ages took the mic and stole the show with their diverse talents including poetry, arts […]
By Journal on March 28, 2019
Carnie Reimers, Danny Zyko, Duke Gaston, Jobod Silk, The Music Man, Youth Bridge Global
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KELLY LORENNIJ Majuro’s favorite Music Men, Jobod Silk and Duke Gaston, are set to train with Shakespeare & Company this summer in Lenox, Massachusetts courtesy of the non-profit. Youth Bridge Global organization, which is raising funds and support for scholarships for both actors worth over $5,000 for board and tuition. Theatre itself is an art […]
By Journal on March 14, 2019
Aliciya Ackley, Andrew Garrod, Carnie Reimers, Christian Reimers, Dukie Gaston, Grace Zedkaia, Hilary Hosia, Jobod Silk, Kelly Lorennij, Summer Cody, The Music Man, Tyler Malbareaux, Yolanie Jurelang
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KELLY LORENNIJ Seasoned theatergoers counted down the last few seconds to lights out during Tuesday night’s show at the International Conference Center where family, friends and fans of The Music Man occupied more than half the room. The musical, deemed a “masterpiece” in theatre, is a romantic comedy with book, music and lyrics by Meredith […]
By Journal on March 29, 2018
Ally Alefaio, Andrew Garrod, Atmis Kaious, Bonny Taggart, Bryant Zebedy, Chase Domnick, Grease, Jeita Peter, Jobod Silk, Joe Doyle, Milner Okney, Nehmaer Loeak, Nikita Luke, Rachel Raczynski, Tanya Fawkes, Terosa David, Youth Bridge Global
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HILARY HOSIA The biggest fear Grease actors and actresses shared does not happen on stage: it’s not remembering to deliver the correct line or the worry of projecting a clear voice while executing a dance routine. It’s what happens after the show. Throughout the six back-to-back shows in early March, the audience exploded in ecstasy […]
By Journal on March 8, 2018
Carnie Reimers, Cassandra Donato, Doris Day, Germaine Muller, Grease, Hezekiah Williams, Jack Niedenthal, Jobod Silk, Olivia Williams, Pat Boone, Ricky Nelson, Rock Hudson, Sal Mineo, Sandra Dee, T-Birds, Xavier Williams
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PAMELA PERKINS Grease opened on stage at the ICC Monday evening to a near capacity crowd with the 1958 Rydell High School yearbook reminding us that the story represents a high school of 60 years past. Photos of the period heart throbs include Ricky Nelson, Sal Mineo, Rock Hudson, Pat Boone, Doris Day, and Sandra […]