Outrigger is in business

Journal 8/3/1984

P1 Auditor’s report to Nitijela The first semi-annual report of the Office off the Auditor General is printed and ready for distribution to the Nitijela. The report covers 21 separate assignments undertaken by the office, including one exercise by the Inspector General, Department of Interior. Among areas covered: Public Service Commission stating that the evaluation program is very ineffective; government-wide cash receipts, which are deemed generally adequate; Procurement and Supply, which strongly criticizes the high rate of motor vehicles owned by the government, the fact that not all vehicles are properly registered at Procurement, and that some vehicles destined for the outer islands never were sent there, were sold to private parties or are just plain not locatable, and Ministries of Education, Health Services and High Court, which were all found to have unauthorized bank accounts and to be making disbursements not covered by act of the Nitijela.

P2 Pamper plight continues Plastic diapers by the thousands are washing up on the lagoon beaches stretching from the new dump all the way to Laura, and some Majuro residents are getting upset by the blight, feeling, perhaps justifiably, that their land is being destroyed and the natural beauty of their home island undermined by Marshallese women from the outer islands who come here, have children, and then carelessly throw their disposable diapers into the lagoon.

P9 25 restaurants listed Reporter Grant here: Driving from Rita to Laura, looking for prospective likatus, I counted 19 restaurants starting from Carl Heine’s Express (delicious fried chicken), to the Formosa (wow! $3.50 combo lunch special), Joufina’s by CLT, Maria Heine’s by MIHS (great noodles and sukiyaki), to the central Jenrok restaurant of Milton. Next, Likrok oceanside behind RRE with enno Filipino touch, and out on mainroad Downtown with a fare of reef fish and jakaro usually available. Next, by far the most famous restaurant, is Kitco, operated by AB&Co. They have splendid chop suey and a really popular daily lunch special. Next comes Lisen Candle’s Crossroads Restaurant serving the police and the hospital, and then Lanai, with its famous steaks and shrimp. (Hey, back downtown, I forgot Yacht Club with its great pizzas). After Lanai is Island Hostess really good food and 24-hour service. Across from the Cabinet is Runway with clean, excellent service. I like breakfast here because of hash browns and link sausage with my buttermilk pancakes and eggs. Next stop: Jinya Restaurant at Sun Hotel, featuring stylish Japanese tempura and sashimi. Almost next door is the newly rebuilt Long Island Restaurant, sister operation of Downtown. Well, last (only because we started at the other end of this island) is Dateline Restaurant at the airport with a large menu featuring Portuguese bean soup and a local version of the Big Mac. (Editor’s note: The headline on this 1984 story used the number 25, the first sentence of the story says 19, and the actual number listed is 16. Go figure.)

Journal 8/2/1996

P1 Outrigger in business The government’s new 150-room hotel, Outrigger Marshall Islands Resort, was officially opened Wednesday, as President Kabua and hundreds of Majuro residents turned out for the festive occasion.

P4 $175m paid to RMI The Marshall Islands nuclear compensation fund has paid out $175 million since 1986, said Smith Barney Vice President Dan Roland.

P17 Maryknollers help out at AHS For the sixth year running, students from the Maryknoll Catholic High School in Hawaii are in Majuro during their summer break. The eight 10th, 11th and 12th graders and three of their teachers are guests of Assumption High School here for three weeks to learn about life and culture in the Marshall Islands, providing tutoring and help around the school.

Journal 8/3/2007

P3 Hundreds attend Ebon celebration The planes and ships of the Marshall Islands all pointed their noses and bows south in the past week to take about 600 people to Ebon for the 150th anniversary of the first Christian missionaries who arrived in the Marshall Islands. AMI said they had 10 flights to the southern atoll. Marshall Islands Shipping Corporation took the bulk of the people to the event sending the ships Landrik, Jeljelat Ae, and Ribuuk Ae. Others traveled on RRE’s vessel Lona.


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