Paddlers gear for Saipan

Paddling in Majuro lagoon. Pictured in the front canoe are, from left to right, Tatiana Shoniber, Lita Flood, Kaili Kramer, Angella Yen, Andrea Muller, and Chloe Abraham. In the back canoe are Malia Shoniber, Shamanda Hang, Alexy Joseph, Cukki Kabua, Alexandra Lutuni, and Isabel Kramer. Photo: Cary Evarts.

“Hut Ho!” is a regular cry in the waters between Delap and Uliga, with this phrase meaning it’s time for canoe paddlers to change sides. “Hut” is the warning the change is coming, and the “Ho” signals taking the stroke and then switching to paddle to the opposite side.

Both men’s and women’s teams are regularly seen whizzing along in the red and blue canoes; sometimes early in the morning, but more often an hour or so before the sun dips below the horizon.

Congratulations to all who are getting a great work out and for providing entertainment to those with a lagoon view.

The Marshall Islands Canoe Paddling Federation is currently gearing up to participate in its first regional competition to be held in the Northern Mariana Islands.

The Micronesia Cup XXIV is scheduled for October 18-20. The paddling federation is planning to send one men’s and one women’s team, each consisting of 10 paddlers.


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