P2 No end The following is addressed to the management of the Wonder of L’Etao movie theater: I would like to express my chagrin at your dubious business practice June 16 of taking movie-goers’ money, and then announcing before the climax of the show that the final reel was missing. L’Etao, you’ve certainly lived up to your name. I suggest you change it so you can change your style of business. —Bob Cress, prospective television buyer, Majuro.
P6 Students rebuffed in request for address from independence advocate Hans Wiliander, a well-known supporter of independence for Micronesia, was not allowed to speak to the 1975 graduating class at Truk District High School on June 6. After the Truk graduating class selected Wiliander as guest speaker, Truk education department Director Chutomu Nimwes and High School Principal Robert Kaufman overruled the students and selected Truk Senator Nick Bossy to address the graduating class.
Journal 6/26/1992
P1 Pastors push baby control Leaders of several of the major Protestant and Catholic churches on Majuro say that family planning and population control is needed to confront and solve the overcrowding on Majuro and Ebeye. Four pastors interviewed by the Journal believe that the church needs to be involved in finding solutions to problems stemming from over-population.
P20 Youth message: Take action now Fourteen young people captivated their parents with a high energy 90-minute show Friday night highlighting what they are doing about health and social problems in the community. “What a difference from the first day of the seminar,” said nutritionist Ione deBrum, from Social Services who was one of the seminar teachers. “You couldn’t hear the youth when they spoke. But tonight they weren’t shy at all.” “Tuak bwe elimajnono” (face your challenges) was the motto of the Youth to Youth in Health seminar.
P21 Mayors discuss options Mayors from all local governments opened their two-week conference in Majuro Tuesday at Nitijela. The theme is, “The Roles of the National and Local Governments for Self-Reliance: Building Bridges Toward Self-Reliance.”
Journal 6/20/2003
P3 Medical first for RMI For the first time ever, in July the nuclear-affected people living on Enewetak, Kili, Mejatto and Utrik will have a full-time doctor living in each of their communities tending to their needs. “We will have access to professional health care,” said Rongelap Mayor James Matayoshi. The four doctors that will be making their home on the outer islands are from Nepal and were chosen by the 177 Health Care Program.
P14 Hardship in the Marshalls The Asian Development Bank and other donor agencies have increasingly targeted poverty and ways to reduce economic and social hardships that a growing number of people in island nations face today. The ADB publication titled “Priorities of the People: Hardship in the Marshall Islands” resulted from research in 10 communities around the Marshall Islands. The aim of the study is to increase awareness and action — particularly among elected leaders and government officials — to address poverty issues in national planning and budget work.
P28 Are you aware That current studies on violence against women in the Marshall Islands have found that most abuse in urban areas is alcohol related, whereas in rural areas booze doesn’t play a part?