Practicum produces grater results

Marshall Islands High School practicum students with Waan Aelon in Majel
Marshall Islands High School practicum students with Waan Aelon in Majel trainers at the WAM canoe house, from left: Miriam Paul, George Lekjab, Sisteria Baso, Rusty Riklon, Lutin Jetro and Sebra Paul. Photo: Hilary Hosia.

It took four friends four days to learn a new trade and create local coconut graters from scratch. Such is the story behind four classmates from Marshall Islands High School during their practicum program at the Waan Aelon in Majol (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) program earlier this month.

The girls, Miram Paul, Sisteria Baso, Lutin Jetro and Sebra Paul, said they enjoyed learning the new craft, which is more physical than their sewing elective at MIHS.

The girls proudly exhibited their finished and polished coconut graters, a project they did under the supervision of WAM staffers George Lekjab and Rusty Riklon.


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