President Amata Kabua honored

President David Kabua and Jennifer Hawley place the wreath at late President/Iroojlaplap Amata Kabua’s grave as President’s Office Security Supervisor Lt. Tarry Tarkwoj looks on. Photo: Wilmer Joel.

The RMI President’s Office sponsored a commemoration event to honor first President and Iroojlaplap Amata Kabua on his birthday Tuesday this week, a national holiday for Presidents’ Day.
The ceremony began with an opening prayer by Nitijela Chaplain Rev. Palukne Johnny, followed by the national anthem led by Rita United Church of Christ (UCC) Youth.

Remarks were delivered by Minister-In-Assistance to the President and Environment Christopher Loeak on behalf of President David Kabua and the government of the RMI. Minister of Works, Infrastructure, and Utilities Jiba Kabua spoke on behalf of the family.

Following their remarks, President Kabua and Jennifer Hawley, granddaughter of the first President, laid the wreath at the tomb of the late President with Rita UCC Youth singing a special number.
The ceremony concluded with a closing prayer.

President Kabua, members of Cabinet and their spouses, Speaker Kenneth Kedi, Vice Speaker Peterson Jibas, traditional leaders, Nitijela members and their spouses, Chief Justice Carl Ingram, and members of Judiciary, members of the diplomatic corps, and other distinguished guests along with the family of the late President attended the ceremony.


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