Compact set to be signed

Journal 2-8-1985

P1 Reagan anticipates Compact The Reagan administration has cut $98 million out of its territories budget request for fiscal year 1986 in anticipation that the Congress will approve the Compact of Free Association.

P2 MIHS Honor Roll First semester seniors: Runiston Gideon, George Hitchfield, Jibella Lamille, Helmer Lang, Jimmy Langley and Clena Pero.

P3 Elected Irooj Michael Kabua and Lerooj Atama Zedkaia were sworn in as chairman and vice chairman of the Council of Irooj, respectively, by Nitijela Speaker Atlan Anien.

P8 Steals show Stan Riley was fined $25 for failure to show up at the beer drinking contest at Charley’s Tavern last Tuesday. Doug and Billy, two ri-England, were declared winners overall in a pre-season contest quaffing more, faster, better than the second place team from Nara, Japan, whose penalty for not winning was to sing songs all night long. The t4am from Japan flew in Monday evening just for the event and knowing they didn’t have a chance in the drinking bout brought some excellent singers with canned background music. 

Journal 2/7/1997

P1 The new guys President Imata Kabua witnessed Chief Justice Dan Cadra swear in two new ministers this week. Minister of Education is Justin deBrum and Minister of Resources and Development is Jiba Kabua.

P1 Be open-minded Foreign Minister Phillip Muller said he is happy that US officials have agreed to overhaul the medical program for nuclear-affected islanders. But he called on the US to “be more open-minded” in helping the Marshall Islands deal with the legacy of the American nuclear testing program.

P10 Falling between the cracks Hundreds of Marshall Islanders who worked and lived at Bikini, Enewetak and Rongelap during clean up and rehabilitation projects in the 1970s were exposed to radiation but are not included in any special medical programs, John Milne told US officials at talks last week in Majuro on the US’s nuclear-related programs. “Too many people are falling between the cracks and between programs,” said Foreign Minister Phillip Muller. Milne is president of the Marshall Islands Radiation Victims Association, “åvictims of nuclear exposure who are not included in other nuclear exposure programs.”

P13 “Unexposed” is inaccurate Rongelap leaders are concerned that not enough attention is being focused on the contaminated northern islands in their atoll, and neighboring Rongerik and Ailinginae — both of which were dusted with fallout in the 1950s. “We want all our islands to be safe again,” Rongelap Mayor James Matayoshi told US officials.

P17 Heading out of town Students who recently graduated from the USP Program in Majuro and who will be leaving for off-island universities are: Kino Kabua, Wagner Watak, Benjamin Kiluwe, Yolanda Lodge, Melvin Narruhn, Jennifer deBrum, and Lisa Elaisha.

Journal 2/8/2008 

P1 Island issues raised at Nitijela An attempt by Public Works Minister Kejjo Bien to ring the alarm bells on the daily burdens of life for Ebeye residents became trivial during Monday’s session as it was given the back seat due to lack of air conditioning in the chamber. Bien was sharing what he witnessed on his recent visit to Ebeye, saying the situation is in dire need of action. Following Bien’s remarks, Vice Speaker Alik Alik complained how hot the chamber was and asked for a recess. Senators voted and Speaker Jurelang Zedkaia ordered a 24-hour recess.

P11 Sabio to focus on fortifying church The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart order that is taking over management of the Catholic Church in the Marshall Islands from the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) will focus on developing greater local participation in religious leadership for the church, according to Fr. Raymundo Sabio, the new Prefect Apostolic for the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, Fr. Richard McAuliff, SJ, who has been the pastor at Assumption Church since the mid-1990s, will be leaving to Chuuk soon, where he will be director of Xavier High School.

P22 Anju qualifies for Olympics The first Marshall Islander to qualify on his own merit for the Beijing Olympics is now benefiting from an International Olympic Committee “solidarity” grant to help him train for the global competition in August. Anju Jason won a gold medal in Oceania taekwondo competition held in New Caledonia to secure his spot in Beijing.


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